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Posts tagged with ‘letter writing’

For National Puppy Day (!), a letter to artist Trude Guermonprez from her dog Mavis.
The letter (which was dictated to the artist’s husband) is mostly the phrase “woef, woef”—or, loosely translated from Dutch, “woof, woof.”
Like any artist, Mavis...
For National Puppy Day (!), a letter to artist Trude Guermonprez from her dog Mavis.
The letter (which was dictated to the artist’s husband) is mostly the phrase “woef, woef”—or, loosely translated from Dutch, “woof, woof.”
Like any artist, Mavis...

For National Puppy Day (!), a letter to artist Trude Guermonprez from her dog Mavis.

The letter (which was dictated to the artist’s husband) is mostly the phrase “woef, woef”—or, loosely translated from Dutch, “woof, woof.” 

Like any artist, Mavis signed her work with a blue paw print.

It’s one of the charming finds we discovered from reading artists’ mail in our @archivesofamericanart.

Paul Guermonprez letter to Trude Guermonprez, 1942 August 7, Trude Guermonprez papers 1929-1986, Archives of American Art.