
Digital assistants: the creepier the better

In the battle for dominance in the digital assistant market, Apple's Siri simply isn't knowledgeable, or creepy, enough.

In the ongoing cold war between Google and Apple, one of the clear battlelines is user privacy. Apple have firmly stated they're willing to defend user privacy above all else, going so far as to battle the FBI over the San Bernadino iPhone. The contrast to Google could not be more stark. Google happily scans all your emails and search history, will constantly track your location if you allow it, and uses that information to target ads toward you. While Apple's goals here are extremely noble, I can't help but feel it's hurting the company on another front in the war: the battle over personal assistants, and the artificial intelligence that powers them.

A few weeks ago, Google showed off updates to its latest digital assistant, including a new "always on, always listening" device called Home, that promises to understand any question you throw at it. Amazon's Alexa does a similar trick, driving the also always on, always listening Echo, which is wowing the US tech press. Compared to these platforms, Apple's Siri is starting to feel outdated.

In The Addams Family, Lurch was the perfect creepy assistant. Amazon's Alexa isn't far behind.
In The Addams Family, Lurch was the perfect creepy assistant. Amazon's Alexa isn't far behind. Photo: Internet

Google's Eric Schmidt famously said the search giant should "get right up to the creepy line but not cross it", when it comes to mining the information we freely give the company through search, Gmail, Calendar, Android, Maps, and location history.

For a long time I found this unsettling. But having used Apple's Siri and Google's Now, it's clear that Google's assistant is miles ahead. Google knows so much more about me than any other company, and that's despite the fact that I usually access its services through Apple devices.

Google's Now knows exactly what public transport I tend to catch to and from work, and what time I usually leave. When it detects heavy traffic on one bus line, before I've asked; it will alert me and suggest I take an alternative route. iOS 9 includes some of these predictive smarts, but it's nowhere near as reliable.

Smarts like that are one of the reasons Google's Android Wear feels so much more useful than the Apple Watch. It's constantly pushing information to me, rather than waiting for me to pull the information from it. This is what you want from a smartwatch, a device you're always wearing, but with a screen too small to comfortably interact with.


The rise of screenless smart assistants just highlights the need for these devices to know us intimately, and to feed us the right information based on what the devices know about us. And that's got me thinking of the real world assistants I already know and work with.

When I work with important people, one thing is clear. Surrounding the most successful executives are executive assistants. And the best human assistants know the almost everything worth knowing about their boss.

They tend to know every password of every account, and all their credit card details. Personally they know which airline their boss prefers, and whether she likes an aisle or a window seat. They know the birthdays of every family member, and what presents they'd like this year. They know who they get along with and who they despise, and can buffer time around meetings based on this information.

Sure, it's kind of creepy, but it's knowing everything from the important information down to the trivial that allows these executive assistants to juggle their bosses' schedule without constantly having to stop and interrupt the person they're working for.

That's the kind of intelligence I want in a digital assistant. As much as it terrifies me to hand over that sort of information to a giant tech company, I can't help but feel it's the only way to get a decent result.

Apple's challenge will be to figure out how they can feed their digital assistant with all this data while still maintaining user privacy. It's a hell of a challenge, but the corporation certainly has enough money to throw at the problem.