
'I wasn't interested in just following the rules': Data scientist Jeremy Howard and the 'next internet'

Jeremy Howard was on a train late last year to Glen Park, a neighbourhood of San Francisco that borders a canyon full of eucalyptus trees, when someone asked him for a photograph. The 42-year-old digital entrepreneur, who grew up in Melbourne, was heading home after catching up with a friend who had teased him about being a "rock star".

And now this stranger was saying he was upset he couldn't attend a talk which Howard was giving. Was a selfie out of the question? "Only in San Francisco," says Howard, wryly, "would you have someone taking a picture with a data scientist."

Software developing pioneer Jeremy Howard.
Software developing pioneer Jeremy Howard. Photo: Wayne Taylor

Howard, who has a froth of curls and a humble manner, is an unlikely rock star – a comment first made about him at a November 2015 conference about the technological revolution in healthcare.

He appears deeply relaxed, as if he has just finished meditating, with the quiet, precise voice of someone who doesn't need to raise it to be heard.

The more images it scans, the more Enlitic's radiology algorithm "learns".
The more images it scans, the more Enlitic's radiology algorithm "learns".  Photo: Nicolas Walker

But his new company Enlitic is pioneering an approach to medicine that uses "deep learning" – a game-changing computer technology based on how the human brain operates – to identify cancers in radiology scans faster and more accurately than experienced radiologists.

That's just the first step for Enlitic's technology, which Howard says can be applied to just about any disease. Tests are reportedly showing promising results in detecting a range of fractures, non-cancerous masses such as kidney stones and more. After radiology, Enlitic plans to tackle pathology, genomics and molecular diagnostics.


A Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum and the youngest member of the Silicone valley think-tank, Singularity University, Howard is a gifted, iconoclastic thinker.

He describes deep learning as the "next internet".  The company that successfully pioneers a data-driven approach to medicine – in which machines improve detection and diagnosis of disease – will, Howard believes, be the field's Google. He wants Enlitic to be that iconic, world-beating company.

Jeremy Howard describes deep learning as the "next internet".
Jeremy Howard describes deep learning as the "next internet". Photo: Supplied

'I wasn't interested in just following the rules'

Moving to San Francisco from Melbourne in 2011 allowed Howard to re-evaluate himself. "I always thought I was pretty weird and didn't fit in, and I thought that was my fault," he says. "In hindsight I've discovered a city full of people who didn't fit in, so we all enjoy not fitting in."

Howard was bored rigid by rote learning at school, calling Melbourne Grammar a "complete waste of time". On his final report – after he had received one of the state's highest VCE scores – his headmaster remarked they had no idea that Howard was smart.

"I wasn't interested in just following the rules and doing what I was told," he says. He made his first $1000, aged 12, selling pirated computer games through the Trading Post. He spent the money on Mars Bars, meat pies, slurpies and arcade games.

Hired by McKinsey at age 18, the self-taught computer programmer turned heads with his data analysis programs.

I had what turned out to be a weird or different way of tackling every problem given to me.

Jeremy Howard

"I had what turned out to be a weird or different way of tackling every problem given to me," he says, "and my managers would always be like, 'Wow! That's a totally weird way to tackle the problem.' From my point of view it was the only way."

Howard's first start-up, Optimal Decisions Group, used data analysis to help insurance firms increase profits. His second, email provider FastMail, was written as an in-house tool before its popularity led to a commercial release.

After their sale in the late 2000s, he realised he had been striving for business success at the expense of his own fulfilment. "Having this aspirational goal to achieve everything is not really very significant," he says.

A rich man in his 30s, he retired and took up hobbies such as learning Chinese, building amplifiers and playing real tennis, the complex forerunner of lawn tennis.

It was to be a short retirement. Intellectually unsatisfied, he entered a competition in 2010 at data-analysis website Kaggle, hoping he wouldn't finish last against the world's top data scientists.

Instead, he won, likening his astonishment to "accidentally walking into an Olympic sprint and winning a gold medal", later joining Kaggle as CEO and chief scientist after a chance meeting with its president. That gave him the reputation to attract top staff to Enlitic. 

'Democratising healthcare'

Howard is still shaking his head about harnessing deep learning to re-imagine a field of medicine – an area which didn't even cross his mind for a long time, because medicine was something doctors did.

Basically, deep learning allows computers to tell objects apart, which doesn't sound that big a deal until you realise it's at the core of how humans approach tasks, and that computers are cheaper, quicker and more accurate at it.

Enlitic pitted its algorithm against four top radiologists. The humans failed to spot 7 per cent of the cancers. Enlitic identified them all. The humans incorrectly diagnosed cancer in 66 per cent of cases, Enlitic in 47 per cent.

"Somehow every time I run a machine algorithm and get an accurate prediction, I'm always surprised. I never expect it to work. I never told it how to work."

Enlitic's technology will debut internationally in the Australian clinics of Capitol Health in July, where it will assist radiologists, not replace them.

The economies of scale are staggering. Radiological tests account for more than $2 billion of Australia's Medicare budget, with about 33.6 million scans taken in 2014-15. One Enlitic program can analyse them all in eight days. One human could take 1282 years.

Further ahead, Howard wants to team the technology with hand-held radiology scanners for the billions in the developing world with scant or no access to such diagnostic services.

Capitol  managing director John Conidi says Howard and Enlitic are "democratising healthcare", hailing him as a genius and a visionary. Howard says the radiologists he's spoken to have been "unanimously thrilled" at their new tool.

Natalia Vukolova, chief executive of the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Radiologists, tells Fairfax Media that new technology can enhance radiology services. She also cautions that clinical evidence to support Enlitic's claims is "essential". The first paper was submitted for peer review this year, with research on fractures to follow.

'Computers will do everything that people do'

Enlitic's technology might be described as a tool for doctors, but Howard believes the machine-learning experts who tell him there will one day be nothing computers can't do, putting all jobs at risk. Society will be automated. There will no longer be work for humans – or, as Howard prefers to approach it, humans will no longer need to work.

"At some point," he says, "clearly computers will do everything that people do, with a few exceptions that are by definition impossible to replicate. The joy of watching a great sportsperson, for example, cannot be dulled by knowing the robot can do the task better. We enjoy performing and watching sport because of the joy of human performance."

He describes the 2002 novel Manna, by the futurist Marshall Brain, about a world in which computers have largely replaced workers. In the US, robots have corralled unemployed humans in giant buildings, providing enough food for sustenance. But in Australia, everyone has access to the plenty unlocked by automation.

Howard believes societies can choose that second scenario – one in which we can spend the day writing, drawing, learning how to surf … in short, doing whatever we want."

How Enlitic's radiology algorithm became better than human

1. A million 3D radiology scans uploaded into memory. A human highlights areas on a few scans where cancer nodules are known to be present. The program uses its artificial "brain" to identify what it judges to be similar-looking areas – cancer nodules – in the remaining images.

2. Not all the guesses are correct. A few errors – false positives or negatives – are corrected by a human and the algorithm churns away again. And again, and again.

3. The more images it scans, the more it "learns" and the more accurate its performance becomes. It's also lightning fast, finding every abnormality in 0.02 seconds, compared to up to 20 minutes for a human.