
Google patents human flypaper for car crashes

Plagued by nightmares of self-driving cars running your children over?

Never fear — Google, pioneer of the autonomous vehicle, has all the answers.

Oof! Photo: US Patent & Trademark Office

The tech giant has patented a design for a sticky car bonnet that would glue pedestrians to the car in the event of a collision, stopping them from rolling or bouncing off the hood and suffering further injury.

Google says the human flypaper "will be able to adhere to the pedestrian nearly instantaneously".

The adhesive layer would be covered by an eggshell-like coating which breaks on impact (left), potentially with a layer ...
The adhesive layer would be covered by an eggshell-like coating which breaks on impact (left), potentially with a layer of air between (right). Photo: US Patent & Trademark Office

No doubt the glue would have to be pretty darn strong to hold a person in place atop a fast-moving car, so how would the pedestrian detach themselves? A self-disabling mechanism, of course.

The patent simply says it would be "desirable to have the adhesive coating release after a short period of time to allow for the removal of the pedestrian from the vehicle". Makes sense.


So that car owners don't get bird poop stuck permanently to their bonnets, Google wants to conceal the adhesive under an "eggshell-like" outer coating, which would shatter into tiny pieces upon impact to release the sticky undercoat.

But what happens if the car is left out in a hail storm? How much would that double-sticky-egg coating cost to re-touch?

One of Google's self-driving cars was damaged after clipping a bus.
One of Google's self-driving cars was damaged after clipping a bus. Photo: YouTube

The patent doesn't answer any of these questions, or say what this magical material is made out of. And, of course, a patent is no indication of a product release anytime soon, or at all.

But Google could be onto something with its latest moonshot.

Gnarly. Photo: US Patent & Trademark Office

Monash University's Maxwell Cameron, a road safety expert, says that while there have been developments in car manufacturing to protect pedestrians — such as bonnets that are more pliable upon impact — the focus has generally been on the car's occupants.

The Google design, if successful, would be a significant development for a major issue in pedestrian safety.

"We refer to pedestrians being run over but in fact they are usually run under [by the vehicle] and tend to fly through air ... and are somersaulted and injured when they land," Professor Cameron says.

"It's an interesting claim [Google's design] because if there's a way of catching the pedestrian to avoid them going though the air then that's a good thing."

Other pedestrian safety developments in the past have included a Jaguar with a hood that pops up to prevent a victim moving around too much, and Volvos with external airbags. 

Google specifically mentions self-driving cars in its patent, acknowledging that "on occasion, collisions between a vehicle and a pedestrian still occur" despite them working towards smart cars that can prevent collisions.

The design could of course work on any vehicle — including those driven by ordinary, accident-prone human beings.

Google and other tech companies are racing to be the first to release autonomous vehicles to market. There's a strong commercial argument for the new technology, with the likes of Uber said to be keen to snap up the first batch so it won't have to pay wages to human drivers.

But there are many regulatory hurdles yet to be overcome, and arguments on both sides of the safety equation.

Google has been busily testing prototypes of self-driving cars in its home state of California in the US for months now. Its safety record has been pretty good, although test cars always have two Google employees riding inside so they can intervene if needed to prevent accidents. So far just one near miss has been recorded, when a vehicle side-swiped a bus.