Showing posts with label Herbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbs. Show all posts


Herbs-Sensitive to a Smile

Herbs French Letter

Can you see yourself, under a coconut tree
Wanting for nothing, or maybe a cooler breeze
Where all things romantic, in the south pacific
And the only peace is the spit on a feast, your feast yeah

Do you know what makes the ocean glow
Do you know what makes the ocean glow
When unwelcome guests, are making nuclear tests
are making nuclear tests, are making nuclear tests,
are making nuclear tests

Oh yes, no nukes hah ahhhhhhh
Nuclear mis energy, nuclear, nuclear, free yo yo yo yo yo

Is there nothing at all who can appease your greed,
Could you please leave the air we breath
Why is it something we’ve done
You all seem to forget
About nuclear fallout and the long term effects

Is there anything gained when you hide the plane
Anything gained when you hide the plane
Let me be more specific, get out of the pacific
Ki te la pacific, get out of the pacific
Ki te la pacific

Oh yes, no nukes hah ahhhhhhh
Nuclear mis energy, nuclear, nuclear,
Nuclear free yeah
Nuclear free yeah
Nuclear free yeah

Nuclear free yeah
Nuclear free yeah
Nuclear free yeah

Nuclear free yeah
Nuclear free yeah
Nuclear free yeah

Nuclear free yeah

From the the end of May to 2 July 2007, Australia will play host to the largest military exercise in Australia - Operation Talisman Sabre. According to the Public Environment Report released October 2006 it will involve nearly 14,000 US troops and over 12,000 Australian personnel. Exercise activity will take place at Australian military locations including the Australian-US "training facilities": Shoalwater Bay in Queensland and Bradshaw and Delamere Range in the Northern Territory. Support sites including civilian facilities in Australia, offshore and overseas will also be utilised