50 Of The Best Healthy Dessert Recipes Of All Time

All the sweetness, without all that extra junk.

12/04/2017 8:01 PM AEST | Updated 13/04/2017 1:35 AM AEST

There’s no getting around it, sooner or later the craving for something sweet is going to hit. And when it does, be ready with the best healthy dessert recipes out there. Sure, a little indulgence here and there doesn’t hurt, but eating these healthy desserts will not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but you’ll feel good after eating them, too.

We’ve found all the healthy dessert recipes you could ever hope for ― 50 of them, to be exact. Some of these recipes sneak in good-for-you ingredients, like kale and chickpeas. Some of these recipes use creative ways to keep out refined sugars. Some of them use only whole grains. All of them are great.

From chocolate chip cookies to ice cream and everything in between, here are the recipes you should turn to when you want something sweet, but don’t want to OD on sugar.

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