At HuffPost Australia and Johnnie Walker, we love sharing stories of personal progress.

It's in our DNA.

The Johnnie Walker story is one of a pioneering spirit passed on from one generation to the next.  They believe in the philosophy of perseverance, innovation and progress, from the Whiskies created to the continual sharing of inspiring, universal stories of the human spirit.

Here you will find stories of the most inspiring social and cultural themes of our time.  We will shine a light on people who approach life with a humane, resilient and optimistic mindset, especially in the face of adversity.

We want to take this journey with you. We will walk, talk and collaborate with people whose real life narratives need no exaggeration, whose stories show they have overcome obstacles, shown courage and strength and achieved their dreams.

Keep Walking and join us on this Extraordinary Journey.

Why We Get The Autumn Blues and 6 Simple Tricks To Avoid Them

Why We Get The Autumn Blues and 6 Simple Tricks To Avoid Them

As we say farewell to our favourite season -- thanks for the pool parties, summer! -- it's time to prepare for a cool change. While we're all accustomed to the harsh conditions of winter -- it's cold, wet and windy -- the arrival of autumn can be problematic too. Gone are the long days full of sun, surf and sand, replaced instead by the routine of everyday life. But rather than resigning yourself to three months of feeling flat, fed up and confused, why not look at the ways you can turn the change of season to benefit you now, and for the rest of the year?

Quiz: Are You A Risk Taker or A Planner? Find Your Style Of Progress

Quiz: Are You A Risk Taker or A Planner? Find Your Style Of Progress
We've always been taught that with great risk, comes great reward. But what if you're not a natural risk taker. Or if you don't mind mild risk, but anything too risky is off the table? The reality is that no two people are the same when it comes to charting their behaviour patterns, risk taking or planning. Luckily for you, we've designed a little quiz that can help you learn more about the person you really are, examining your reactions to risk, the ramifications they have and how you can progress based on your style of decision making.

This Online Tool Tackles Health And Wellbeing In The Workplace

This Online Tool Tackles Health And Wellbeing In The Workplace

When it comes to addressing issues surrounding both our mental and physical health, more and more experts are telling us the workplace is an ideal place to start.

But as the nature of work changes ever so rapidly, it can also be a place where health -- particularly mental health -- creeps down the priority ladder.

"Whilst we are talking more these days about health and wellbeing issues, what we are finding is that this awareness is not being translated into action -- particularly from the top," CEO of Australian men's health organisation OzHelp Tony Holland told The Huffington Post Australia.

Proven By Science: Doing These 9 Things Will Make You Happy

You can't argue with facts.

Proven By Science: Doing These 9 Things Will Make You Happy

Happiness is a tricky thing to quantify. What makes one person happy might not work for another. It might be a pet that brings someone joy, whereas for another it could be completing a big project at work.

Though science has been able to identify a bunch of universal things that are proven to improve happiness for everyone -- and with 40 percent of a person's happiness made up by daily activities, you might want to consider adding some of these to you to-do list.

Why We All Need To Talk To Strangers More

Our world needs it.

Why We All Need To Talk To Strangers More

Cast your mind back to the last moment you shared with a stranger. Perhaps you were stuck in a lift at work, or on a walk during your lunch break. What became of your encounter?

You may have uttered 'hello' and offered a hand, or caught their eye and returned to your phone. Or maybe you chatted for five minutes and left feeling grateful for meeting them in the first place.

How To Stay Fit If You Travel For Work

Use nature as your gym.

How To Stay Fit If You Travel For Work

Whether you're spending a week on the road in a variety of locations, are away at a conference or are always on the go travelling interstate for business, there are always ways you can integrate fitness into your travel schedule.

My motto is you need to run your body like a business. This means building your wellbeing time into your daily agenda like you would any other meeting and not be location dependent. It's a mindset and a lifestyle not a chore. Here's how:

Experts Reveal Small Changes To Your Routine That Will Reinvigorate Your Day

Experts Reveal Small Changes To Your Routine That Will Reinvigorate Your Day

The beauty of living a routine life is that most of the time you don't even realise you're in it. Eat, sleep, wake, repeat. But the downside of this day to day cycle is that sometimes routine can be a one way ticket to complacency. Repetition breeds familiarity, which can breed bad habits. Not only can these be hard to kick, they can hinder progress we might be otherwise making.

The good news is that a few tweaks on the routine front can help you be the best version of yourself -- something that's likely to be on your radar over the New Year. The good news is, sometimes a small -- and simple! -- change can have a big impact.

6 Amazing Skills You Can Pick Up In Less Than A Year

6 Amazing Skills You Can Pick Up In Less Than A Year
With the arrival of 2017, it's that time again when our thoughts tend to turn towards resolutions and bettering ourselves. But rather than setting overly-ambitious goals, why not focus on learning a skill that will help keep you motivated through the year, and perhaps even improve your life too?

Invaluable at any time of the year, research shows that people who learn a new skill can improve memory and even stave off cognitive ageing. Not only that, but taking up a new hobby acts as a creative outlets and gives you something to look forward to.

5 Common Emotional Journeys, And Expert Advice On How To Tackle Them

5 Common Emotional Journeys, And Expert Advice On How To Tackle Them

While we're all unique, there are common emotional experiences that we share, experiences that are part and parcel of human existence. But when it's a challenging emotional journey, how do you go about regaining a healthy equilibrium? And why are some personal journeys harder to handle than others?

Below are five of the most common emotional journeys we may experience, and expert advice on how to get through them.

How To Tell Your Boss Your Big Idea

It's all in the timing.

How To Tell Your Boss Your Big Idea

Pitching a big idea is an art form. But, when you decide to run your idea past your boss, the concept of pitching is taken to a different level.

"Hey, can I tell you about my great new idea?" is a conversation opener heard across countless boardrooms. But, there's a time and place for everything.

If you get your timing wrong, chances are you've blown your moment to impress your boss and convince him or her to let you turn your idea into a reality.

7 Ways People With A Purpose Live Differently

“They’re not so caught up in the here and now.”

7 Ways People With A Purpose Live Differently

While the little things in life can certainly make your day, a growing body of research says keeping your eye on the long game can make a major difference in how much you enjoy your life.

One recent study found that living your life with a sense of purpose could make you less likely to rely on external validation (in this case via Facebook "likes") for your well-being.

What motivates you is entirely up to you. But understanding your own priorities, knowing what you are working to accomplish and being committed to meaningful causes can help balance your sense of self-esteem and self-worth.

I Bought A Stranger A Coffee Every Week For A Year

It was worth so much more than the cost of 52 lattes.

I Bought A Stranger A Coffee Every Week For A Year
The Dalai Lama once said: "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." During a difficult period of my life I leant strongly on the philosophy of Buddhism. Among the many lessons I learned is that the gift of giving not only brings so much satisfaction and happiness to the giver, but it also has the ability to create a ripple effect. I learned that one small act of kindness can mean so much to so many.

8 Habits Of People Who Have Achieved Success Against The Odds

8 Habits Of People Who Have Achieved Success Against The Odds
We're all familiar with rags to riches tales -- the entrepreneur who went from being almost homeless to netting a bank balance in the hundreds of millions, or the university dropout-turned-software giant. And while success for some may appear easy, it's often far from it. With the odds firmly stacked against them, their victories make us ask ourselves the question: if THEY can do it, why can't I? From goal-setting to tenacity, below experts identify the habits of people whose setbacks have helped fuel a drive for success.

Here's The Best Advice For Conquering A Fitness Goal

From marathoners who actually did it.

Here's The Best Advice For Conquering A Fitness Goal

Almost 50,000 runners crossed the finish line at the TCS New York City Marathon on Sunday. Most posed for a photograph, collected a gold medal and then walked, limped and winced their way toward friends and family. Because that's the truth of it ― for most, even the professionals, running 26.2 miles hurts.

Which leads to the question: What does it take to accomplish such a tremendous and taxing fitness goal?