Showing posts with label Occupied Palestine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Occupied Palestine. Show all posts



Exploring the achievements of resistance and discussing shifts in US foreign policy

6pm, Thursday July 9th

Friend Meeting House, Euston



(video link from Lebanon)


(on Iraq)


(on Palestine)


(from, on the role of the anti-imperialist movements in the West)


(IUPFP International Director, video link from Lebanon)


(from Stop the War, on the role of the anti-war movement)

Chair: Sukant Chandan (Chairman of the British section of the IUPFP)

Following from Obama’s historic speech in Cairo on June 5th, this meeting will discuss the following issues:

* How has the Palestinian, Iraqi and Lebanese resistance

impacted on US plans for world hegemony?

* Is the US in strategic retreat?

* What does the Obama phenomenon mean for the peoples of the South?

Organised by the British section of the

International Union of Parliamentarians for Palestine


07709 112 126


Canada's obscene part in Gaza atrocities

Credit: Mohawk Nation News


MNN. Jan 7, 2008. How many Palestinian infants, toddlers, children and schools have been bombed by the criminals in charge of Israeli forces in the last few days? What law are they following? An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth! This is primitive barbarity. The Israelis claim if they kill enough Palestinians, Hamas will stop sending in rockets. Conveniently overlooked is the fact that Israelis have built a wall around Gaza to control every Palestinian and everything that comes in and out of the ghetto to deliberately force the people into desperation. Also forgotten is that parts of the new smart bomb, GBU 39, designed for urban warfare, is made in Canadian facilities with the help of government tax breaks and Canada Pension Plan investments. This is obscene!

Gaza is occupied Palestinian territory. The Israelis and Americans toppled the democratically elected Hamas government because it couldn’t control them. The war is being waged on civilians who have no arms nor anywhere to hide. How noble is it for heavily armed Israelis to shoot fish in a rain barrel? The Palestinians have a right to live. They can only lob their homemade rockets into Israel. The Israelis attack them with illegal weapons. All weapons are illegal. Manufacturers should be prosecuted. The weapons collected and buried.

The United Nations is looking more like a bogus organization that serves the interests of a handful of war mongers who are trying to profit by setting up a New World Order. This is where the bankers and war mongers are the bosses and we are supposed to be their slaves. We fear the UN is setting up an “international department of Indian affairs” to control all indigenous peoples and resources worldwide.

Obviously the U.S. cannot broker the peace agreement when they are supporting Israel’s attack and supplying the weapons. We Indigenous went through the same plot. To stop the invading Europeans from killing us all off, we were forced to give up our possessions and territories. We resisted. 115 million of our people died in the biggest holocaust in all humanity. The survivors had to live in concentration camps called “reserves”. Today the Israelis and their backers are carrying out the same sequence of events in the Middle East. The UN, US, Canada and Europe are part of this.

The majority of the people in the world are appalled by Israel’s atrocities. They have killed over 500, mostly civilians. Over 2000 have been cruelly injured by illegal weapons made from depleted uranium and phosphorous. Palestinians have reached out to their Arab brothers and sisters whose governments are controlled by the West. Iran could be nuked by the U.S. if they helped their Palestinian family. We know how hard it is to unify. The colonists constantly work at dividing us. We too were starved and abused so they could grab our territories and wreak environmental havoc.

Just follow the “blood money”. Canada helps craft and support this cynical conspiracy. 10% of income tax goes to the military. The Canada Pension Plan contributions are invested in Carlyle Group and such weapons makers as NG [Northrop Grundman], L3Com, BAESystems, Bombardier, Raytheon, DRS Technologies, Boeing and many more. How many people get their pay check directly or indirectly from the military industry?

Mineral resources to make these deadly bombs and destroy the world are being stolen from our territories that have been left polluted in the process. We constantly object and are threatened and subjected to impoverishment. Our social programs, health care, education and infra structure are cut back or stopped altogether to shut us up. For example, the dissidents of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake Quebec have moved out of their communities and into the bush. They are unwanted because they are trying to stop deforestation, demineralization and water diversion of their territory. The guys trying to control our territories are finding the biggest obstacles are the sovereign legal resistance of the Indigenous people. A huge intelligence network has been set up to undermine and control our people and put out misinformation to us and about us to the public.

Survival is natural. To murder babies, women, men and elders is not natural. The Palestinians are struggling to survive. Those who follow this natural instinct are labeled “terrorist”. In fact we are defenders of our people, land, nation, very existence and Mother Earth. Every living creature has a right to carry out the natural instinct for self-preservation. Creation put that in us.

The war mongers tell us we have no right to self preservation. The Palestinians are being forced to live under the apartheid “Indian Act” system of Gaza which is being rammed down their throats. The same apartheid system was imposed on us and continues here. They pulled out papers on us. What are these papers? Why does their paper have more authority than human rights and our lives? Is it because they have a big gun and can constantly threaten us? This is thuggery!

The idea that peace can be bought at the end of a gun has been proven false time after time. Fanaticism has never solved anything. Truly impartial people must be found to form a body that can broker a true peace. Peace will come if people learn how to stop being greedy. There has to be a real willingness to assert equality and a voice for everybody. There will never be peace of mind on the terms of the war mongers and their cohorts that want control over us, our land, culture and resources.

According to the Kaianereh:kowa, the Great law of Peace, the grievances felt by people on both sides has to be acknowledged. We, the Rotinoshonni:onwe [Iroquois] have a ceremony called the “small condolence” which we perform before any negotiations. It is all symbolic. The eyes are wiped with the softest skin of the deer so that we may see the issue clearly; the ear is cleared with an eagle feather so that we may listen and hear what is being said; and a glass of clear water is drunk to clear our throats so that only those words that have no jagged edges will come forth.

Unfortunately, it looks unlikely that these few war mongers will look for methodologies that can bring true peace. They are making too much money. If we choose we can organize an economy so that people can be rich without obscene torture, death and famine. First the arms have to be buried.

True peace requires work. These war mongers have to be dealt with. The people have to stop listening to their propaganda. These greedy war mongers don’t have borders and no loyalty to anybody but their bank accounts and their lust for the power of life and death over us. This 3% of the population are multi national corporations, their governments, their military and their agents. They own the banks and try to control everything. They fix the economy to hold us hostage.

The Palestinians will not die quietly in the Gaza ghetto from starvation, thirst, bombs or anonymity.

Iakoha’ko:wa, Eagle Watch near Sharbot Lake of Haudenosaunee Territory, MNN Mohawk Nation News;;;;

Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations to PayPal at, or by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen, thank you very much. Got to MNN “Canada” category for more stories; New MNN books for sale; purchase T-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore; sign up and subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates at; and sign Women Title Holders petition at http:/;

NOTES: GBU stands for Guided Bomb Unit. The GBU 39 is the newest small bomb which weighs 250 lbs. known for its accuracy and huge explosive power built into it. A plane can carry 4 and drop them separately. Used in Iraq and Afganistan in urban warfare. The Gaza is really a refugee camp. Northrop Grunman mades instruments for these units, other warheads, bomber planes and helicopters. The Canada Pension Plan contributions are invested in Carlyle group and companies like NG, L3Com, BAESystems, Bombardier, Raytheon, DRS Technologies and many more.

GBU-39 are made in the U.S. by Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Harris Corp. with Viasat Inc. with offices in Canada. The #1 bomb for the “war of terror” because they are small, accurate and very deadly. Excerpts from

At just 5.9 feet long the bomb increases number of weapons an aircraft can carry, therefore raising the amount of people it can kill in one sortie. Complementing the weapon is a smart miniature munitions carriage system. The munition, with a smart fuze, has been extensively tested against multi-layered targets by Wright Laboratory under the Hard Target Ordnance Program and Miniature Munitions Technology Program. The goal is genocide to wipe out people and make their territory unlivable.

Yaakov Katz wrote an article in the Jerusalem Post on December 29th 2008 that the Israeli Air Force is using new U.S. supplied smart bombs. [] “a new bunker-buster missile made by [and 1000 bought from] the U.S. to strike Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. The GBU-39 missile is a small-diameter bomb for low-cost, high-precision and low collateral damage. [They] … arrived in December 2008. They penetrate underground Kassam launchers during the heavy aerial bombardment of Hamas infrastructure… It was used in Sunday's bombing of tunnels in Rafah [where civilians are taking shelter]. This 113-kg. bomb can penetrate like a normal 900-kg. bomb, although it has only 22.7 kg. of explosives. It is 1.75 meters long. … It can penetrate at least 90 cm. of steel-reinforced concrete… used in any weather and has a standoff range of more than 110 km. due to pop-out wings”.

“Military Intelligence's Psychological Warfare Department broke into radio broadcasts in Gaza and warned Palestinian civilians not to cooperate with Hamas terrorist activity”. Palestinians received recorded messages on their cell and land phones from the IDF ordering them to immediately leave their homes that IDF purported were next to Hamas infrastructure or being used by the “terrorist” organization. Defense officials said Israel will not hesitate to target civilian homes who they feel might protect Hamas terrorists. Could this be the reason behind the killing of infants, children and civilians? [ newslist:]

Harris Canada Incorporated [of Harris Corporation], 1710-130 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA, K1P 5G4 phone: 613-567-2912 Fax: 613-567-2920 255 Albert Street, Suite 500 Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 6A9 Phone: 613-567-2912 Fax: 613-567-2920 Contacts: Pierre Blais,, 613-567-2912 Dollard-des-Ormeaux Quebec plant provides wireless, broadcast, government systems, and network support. Calgary, Alberta plant designs, manufactures and distributes microwave radio systems for wireless communications. Home of Consolidated Automatic Test Equipment Facility (CATEF) of Government Communications Systems Canada (GCSC). Provides avionics and logistics support to the Department of National Defence CF-18 Program. GCSC. Also manages the Canadian Forces Contractor Augmentation Program (CANCAP) which is communication hardware and satellite communications services for the Canadian Forces. Harris Canada Inc. has annual sales that exceed $200M. Has business development offices in Ottawa, Ontario representing Government and Defense Communications Systems and RF Communications groups. Calgary Alberta - 6727 - 9th Street N.E. Canada T2E 8R9 Telephone: 403-295-4770 Fax: 403-295-4765 Bob Fehr,, 403-295-4750
poster: katenies


Aboriginal News Service (IANS) Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied Palestine

Aboriginal News Service (IANS) Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied Palestine


“Total war is no longer war waged by all members of one national community against all those of another. It is total... because it may well involve the whole world.”

Jean-Paul Sartre
Press Release: Aboriginal News Service (IANS) Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied

As Indigenous people fully conscious of our own respective colonial circumstances and those of other similarly repressed and oppressed peoples, we, the undersigned, maintain that the latest saturation bombing and subsequent ground invasion of a Palestinian refugee concentration camp is not just and that the continued IDF occupation extends this grave injustice. The defenceless people of The Gaza, a refugee district of Occupied Palestine, have been mercilessly attacked by the State of Israel under the auspices of national “self-defence.” This is clearly a false pretence, as it is now known that the Israeli intelligence and military services secretly planned this attack more than six months ago as part of “Operation Cast Lead”,[1] a covert programme of anti-Palestinian propaganda, premeditated sabotage of the Hamas government during the U.S.-sponsored June 2007 truce agreement and extensive ethnic terrorism directed against the refugee Arab Palestinian population of The Gaza. It is also now common knowledge that the Israeli Defence Forces have begun using cluster bombs, denatured uranium and the horrible chemical weapon, white phosphorus, a compound that burns human beings on contact.[2]

With this, Palestinian reporters are being targeted and international reporters barred at the Gaza border by the IDF, humanitarian aid is prevented from reaching the injured and dying and Norwegian medics have told Iran’s Press TV some of the victims wounded since the IDF began its bombardment of The Gaza on December 27 carry traces of depleted uranium within their bodies.[3]

These actions constitute nothing less than war crimes and crimes against humanity. Since The Nakba of 1948, the Palestinian people have been subjected to enforced dislocation, ethnic discrimination, randomised racist settler violence and indiscriminate aggression by the Israeli Defence Forces, conditions intended to bring upon them emotional suffering and a reduction in their number. Under established international law, these actions and the recent bombing and invasion of The Gaza by the part of the State of Israel undoubtedly amount to the moral and legal crime of genocide. Relevant transgressions of the established charter of the United Nations include and in particular the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (General Assembly resolution 260 A (III), 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III), 1948), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (General Assembly Resolution 2200 (XXI), 1966), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (General Assembly Resolution 2200 (XXI), 1966) and the rights to liberation of international Indigenous-internal colonies, (General Assembly Resolution 1541(XV), 1966).

In addition, in recognition of the Nuremberg Principles established in 1944, the State of Israel, (as well as the United States) is also responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes and the ongoing genocide of indigenous Arab Palestinians since 1948. The injustice of these goals has been compounded by the vicious execution of the Israeli Defence Forces war plan of widespread destruction and terror characterized by an appalling disregard for human life and property. As concerned members of the Fourth World and as Indigenist news journalists, we believe it is the moral responsibility of the United Nations, as the representative body of the world community, actively and without delay move to end this war. The violence unleashed by the Israeli invasion of The Gaza has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Arab Palestinians and has left thousands of other civilians critically wounded.

We the undersigned implore the world community to act according to the charter of the United Nations and without delay end this genocide against the Palestinian people! We demand that President-Elect Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress officially condemn the actions of the State of Israel and immediately establish a suspension of military and financial aid to the Israeli government to limit their ability to expand this atrocity of human rights against the Palestinian people any further.


Rev. Sequoyah Kofi-Ade bin-Tomas -

Ojibway Migisi Bineshii -

Sina Brown Davis –

Ridwan Laher -

Brenda Norrell -


[1] The Invasion of Gaza: “Operation Cast Lead”, Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda, Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Monday, Jan 5, 2008

[2] White phosphorus (WP) is a flare- and smoke-producing incendiary weapon,[1] or smoke-screening agent, made from a common allotrope of the chemical element phosphorus. White phosphorus bombs and shells are incendiary devices, but can also be used as an offensive anti-personnel flame compound capable of causing serious burns or death.

[3] Press TV – “Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims’ - Sun, 04 Jan 2009 13:16:21 GMT

Press Release: Aboriginal News Service (IANS) Statement on the Gaza Crisis in Occupied
Click on image for a larger version



We are all Palestinians

Photos from Wellington demonstration in support of Palestine 8/1/09.

thanks to Aotearoa Indymedia

For more info please see

3rd Rally for Gaza-Free Palestine NOW Stop the Genocide

*Rally & March*

* 2pm Sunday 18 Jan *

Victorian State Library

cnr Swanston St & La Trobe St, Melbourne

*Stop the war on*


Stop the massacre

End the siege now

No to Israel's war crimes

Oppose the Australian government's backing of Israel

Over 400 people have been killed and more than 2000 wounded since Israel launched air strikes against the Palestinian population of Gaza. The air strikes come on top of the Israeli blockade which has stopped adequate fuel, food, and medical supplies from reaching the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza. Rally in solidarity with the people of Gaza, who are standing
steadfast in the face of these atrocities.

Organised by Justice for Palestine. For more info call 0439454 375 or 0418819 548


Rally for Gaza Melbourne 4th Jan

A spirited speech by a young muslim woman from the Federation of Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY), made at a Melbourne protest against Israel's attack on Gaza held on January 4, 2009.

Melbourne Protest against Israel's attack on the Palestinian Gaza territory was held on Sunday January 4, 2009 with about 6,000 people attending.

View stills by Takver on Flickr:

"We reject all efforts to colonize land, steal resources, and terrorize indigenous people. Furthermore, we question the legitimacy of nation-states that were founded through colonization efforts - such as Israel and the United States of America. Therefore, we put the words "Israel" and "U.S." in quotes ... Read Moreto question the legitimacy of these "states" and to call out that these "states" were created by colonizers who massacred indigenous people and stole their lands and resources."

Depending on the circumstances, the Anti-Indigenous Movement led by the government of the United States deploys lethal force, as well as malicious harassment and psychological warfare against tribal peoples. F-16s used by the Israeli Air Force against Palestinians, M-16s used by the Colombian Army against Caucans, and Apache helicopters used by the Indonesian military against West Papuans, are all gifts from the United States Congress for the purpose of suppressing indigenous peoples.

As the acknowledged head of the group of four voting against the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the United States also has the wherewithal to ensure that campaigns for indigenous freedom are met with both overt and covert opposition. The three declared US partners in opposing indigenous liberation Canada, Australia, and New Zealand may at present limit themselves to police harassment and judicial corruption in forcefully subverting international laws protecting indigenous peoples, but their militaries and intelligence agencies are nonetheless actively engaged in undermining indigenous sovereignty.

Under the rubric of the Global War on Terror, many governments around the world threaten, assault and murder indigenous leaders. As resource wars intensify between the First and the Fourth World, indigenous peoples unity and visibility becomes an essential survival strategy; strategically countering the propaganda of the Anti-Indigenous Movement remains a key element of that cohesion.


Westbank Cage by Badluck

Music Video for song 'Westbank Cage' by rap group Badluck from Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Bethlehem, Palestine, 2008. Made by Te Kupu, to feature in rapumentary Ngatahi-Know The Links part 5