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Google expands its web-based virtual reality portfolio
Google today expanded its availability of web-based virtual reality content to the Google Cardboard. Google’s...
New machine learning models can detect hate speech, violence from texts
The words we use and our writing styles can reveal information about our preferences, thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Using this information, a new study has developed machine learning models that can detect antisocial behaviors, such as hate speech and indications of violence, from texts. <!--...
Technology News
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UK Royal Mint's gold sales jump 20% amid political turmoil
The UK Royal Mint’s gold sales jumped by a fifth in the first three months of the year, according to figures obtained under freedom of information legislation. Following month-on-month declines in the first two months, March gold sales jumped 263% in volume-terms, according to the information sent...
SA’s economy may be looking up due to boost from mining sector
In spite of a contraction in manufacturing and retail sales, things are looking up for the economy with a boost from the mining sector. On Thursday,...
Business News
Featured Health Articles
Concussion risk keeps many kids out of sports, parents say
Survey shows which sports parents think are safer, but they may be off base, say experts ......
Brain Cell Therapy Reverses Parkinson's-Like Symptoms In Mice
Scientists have reversed Parkinson’s-like symptoms in mice using a brain cell therapy that could one day lead to a cure for humans. The groundbreaking technique instructs replacement cells to take on the function of dopamine-producing neurons that are killed by the disease. The cause of the...
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Featured Tennis Articles
Concussion risk keeps many kids out of sports, parents say
Survey shows which sports parents think are safer, but they may be off base, say experts ......
Physicists Are Finally Getting to the Bottom of Why Your Shoelaces Always Untie Themselves
Nothing seems to sum up the universe’s descent into disordered chaos quite like shoes getting untie ......
Featured Sport Articles
Cubs Receive Championship Rings in Wrigley Field Ceremony
The Chicago Cubs got yet another shining moment as World Series Champions Wednesday, just two days after an emotional home opener left fans and the city in awe.The team kicked off its night game against the LA... Photo Credit: Getty Images This story uses functionality that may not work in our app....
Concussion risk keeps many kids out of sports, parents say
Survey shows which sports parents think are safer, but they may be off base, say experts ......
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Lawyer For Injured United Passenger David Dao Say Client Will Likely Sue Carrier
WorldNews.com | 2017-04-13
While Assad Denies Chemical Weapon Use, UK PM Believes Syria Responsible For Attack
WorldNews.com | 2017-04-13
Leicester not in Madrid to make up the numbers, says boss Craig Shakespeare
Yahoo Daily News | 2017-04-12
Arsenal's Alexis Sanchez Reveals What He Learned From Former Barcelona Teammate Lionel Messi
90min | 2017-04-12
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Open Minds Worldwide
GOP Congressman Declares Sean Spicer 'Needs to Go' During Raucous Town Hall
GOP Congressman Declares Sean Spicer 'Needs to Go' During Raucous Town Hall
Aside from decrying Spicer, Mike Coffman was defiant in the face of the liberal crowd. Faced with a...
Bernie Sanders’ Crusade for Free College Gains Momentum
Bernie Sanders’ Crusade for Free College Gains Momentum
New York offers aid to nearly 1 million student families while Betsy DeVos acts to protect predatory...
Robert Reich: Trump Is Fleecing America, and the Justice Department Is Letting Him Get Away ...
Robert Reich: Trump Is Fleecing America, and the Justice Department Is Letting Him Get Away ...
The people need protection. Trump can afford his own lawyer. Trump’s business (now run by his two...
America Has a Bigger White Nationalist Threat Than Steve Bannon
America Has a Bigger White Nationalist Threat Than Steve Bannon
Jeff Sessions looks a lot like the Trump administration's Dick Cheney—the evil genius who gets...
Bernie Sanders Has Some Good News for Democrats All over the Country
Bernie Sanders Has Some Good News for Democrats All over the Country
The Vermont senator believes the political tides are turning in a big way. Wednesday's Special...
Russia Vetoes U.N. Resolution on Syria as Questions Linger over Deadly Chemical Attack
Russia Vetoes U.N. Resolution on Syria as Questions Linger over Deadly Chemical Attack
At the United Nations, Russia blocked a Security Council resolution Wednesday to denounce last...