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Donald Trump’s foreign policy is becoming everything he said he hated

About half a dozen recent reversals show he is more of Washington than against it.

How Alaska fixed Obamacare

State officials were panicked about high premiums — so they did something about it.

MOAB, the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used by the US military, explained

The US dropping the "mother of all bombs" is way less alarming than people think.

If Trump fires Steve Bannon, he might regret it

Why a fired Steve Bannon could wreak havoc on Trump's presidency.

Canada is moving to legalize marijuana — and it may violate international drug law to do it

Canada's move to legalize marijuana is big not just for Canada. It could impact global — and US — drug policy.

Trump's pivot is real — he's more right-wing than ever

Goldman Sachs runs the economy; Jeff Sessions runs civil rights.

Why Trump’s threat to sabotage Obamacare would backfire

Donald, what you doing?

Leftovers fans already know the name Carrie Coon. Pretty soon everyone else will too.

How choosing curiosity over fear kick-started the rise of one of TV’s most talented actresses.

The Latest

How many American atheists are there really?

In A Quiet Passion, Emily Dickinson is a saint for the uncertain

This Australian newspaper’s word generator garbles your name Sean Spicer style

Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale is an extraordinary adaptation of an enduring classic

Sheila Abdus-Salaam, the first Muslim woman judge in the US, was found dead Wednesday

Watch: NASA’s announcement on “ocean worlds” in our solar system

Fast & Furious 8, as told by 7 badass action scenes

What Syria taught us about Donald Trump

Watch Sean Spicer’s daily White House press briefing live stream

A Survivor player cruelly outed another as transgender for “strategy.” It backfired on him, hard.

Sean Spicer said Hitler didn’t gas his own people. Let me tell him about my ancestors.

The Lost City of Z transforms the true story of a jungle explorer into a universal quest

From Vox Media

We're building great things, and we need your talent.

Photos: The “super bloom” in California’s desert after the drought

The unexpectedly close Kansas House race shows that targeting is overrated

Robots are now doing food deliveries

Presented By

American energy use, in one diagram

Vox Sentences: Tillerson goes to Moscow, Bannon goes down

Trump on North Korea: “After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it’s not so easy”

How the CDC Stops Foodborne Illness From Spreading

Vox Sentences

The news, only shorter, delivered straight to your inbox.

Trump just announced he’s betraying his biggest campaign promise on China

Let’s speculate about what the Kansas special election means for health care

The FBI got a court order to monitor a Trump foreign policy adviser during the election

Rex Tillerson’s first visit to Moscow showed that the Trump-Russia lovefest is dead

Former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort is now registering as a foreign agent

How carbon capture could become a rare bright spot on climate policy in the Trump era

A brief history of the Trump administration’s flirtation with Holocaust denial

Mitch McConnell says the legislative filibuster is safe. Should we trust him?

Hollywood's new blockbuster model, as explained by Fast & Furious action scenes

The government accused Google of "quite extreme" gender discrimination

Presented By

8 pieces of essential pop culture to catch up on this weekend

How Bill O'Reilly's sexual harassment problem fits Fox News's ideology

Rahm Emanuel’s plan to push Chicago teens to go to college, explained

Listen: Samurai Jack’s Phil LaMarr on how to age a character through their voice

11 questions you were too embarrassed to ask about the Fast & Furious movies

Arkansas’s plan to execute 7 people in 11 days, explained

This could be the end for Bill O’Reilly

Trump just threw Steve Bannon under the bus and backed it up over him

I'm a Syrian-American journalist. Syria is more than the headlines.

Latin America's floods have been rough. Bad housing policy helped make them deadly.