Nonverbal Website Intelligence

Free Ebook: How Nonverbal Website Communication Gets You Sales and Subscribers

In this free 33-page report, you'll discover:

  • How "Line of Sight" Increases Conversion Rates
  • The Best Way to Optimize Images to Grab Reader Attention
  • How "Active Commands" Influence People to Take Some Form of Action
  • And much, much more!

I’m happy to introduce two new Boxes for Thesis Professionals today: Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics Experiments.

Both Google Tag Manager and Analytics Experiments require <script> placements that were difficult to access in versions of Thesis prior to 2.3, making an otherwise simple integration somewhat complicated.

Not anymore. With Thesis 2.3+ and these new Boxes, integration has never been easier!

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Thesis version 2.3 screenshot

With each passing day, the future of your website depends more and more on two things—speed and integrations.

As you know, Thesis has always had you covered on the speed side of things. Version 2.3 brings you even better performance on both the front end and the admin side, so your site will be faster and more efficient than ever before.

But integrations? What does that even mean?

It’s simple. One piece of software—no matter how good—is not going to serve all your needs. To achieve your website goals, you’re likely going to need to integrate at least two pieces of software (and probably more) to get everything working the way you want.

For example, the DIYthemes website relies on no fewer than 4 different software integrations…and take it from me, it can be a real pain to keep up with this stuff over a long period of time!

This is a big reason why we’ve decided to refocus our development efforts on enhancing software integrations with Thesis.

First up? A best-in-class WooCommerce integration in Thesis 2.3, and there’s a bonus—this integration will automatically work with any Thesis Skin!

In other words, if your site didn’t “just work” with WooCommerce before, it will now! Read on for the juicy details.

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Now featuring big video support on the Front Page template, the Flex Skin is ready to help you deliver a rich multimedia experience for your visitors. This new video support is a nice complement to the big image + action button that has made Flex so popular since we first introduced it.

Other significant enhancements include new design controls for the Call to Action area along with a redesigned Latest Posts area on the Front Page template (with more control over the output, too!).

See all the changes here, and read on for specific details about how to get all the new functionality associated with this update.

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Many savvy webmasters are now choosing to run Google Analytics Experiments to help them optimize their sites for specific goals.

However, because of a unique implementation requirement (the code is supposed to appear as close as possible to the opening <head> tag), adding this to your Thesis site can be both challenging and annoying.

Fortunately, we’ve developed the free Google Analytics Experiments Box to make this process easier.

If you’d like to add Google Analytics Experiments to your site, follow our detailed documentation, and you’ll be up and running in just a couple of minutes.

Since 2015, the WordPress development teams have settled into a disturbing pattern of adding “stuff” to your site’s HTML output without giving you a choice about whether or not you want or need it.

In some cases, these items can add nearly 2kb of code to every page of your site!

We now live in an era where performance is paramount, especially on mobile devices where connections are slower and attention spans are shorter. On top of that, search engines like Google preach speed and optimization above all else, and this means you need to be vigilant about keeping your site fast and fresh.

Given this reality, it seems odd that WordPress—the most widely-used platform for building and running websites—is so blasé about adding cruft to your site without your permission. Worse, WordPress fails to provide you with an easy way to get rid of the stuff you don’t need!

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