Sara Hannam

Sara Hannam

@sjhannam Greece - Hellas
Teaching English and wanting a different sort of world really
Text follow sjhannam to 40404 in the United States
Sara Hannam
@ thanx.
Sara Hannam
At SKG flying to my new life and my love
Sara Hannam
@ Thank you kindly x
Sara Hannam
@ 2006 - March? I know cos I was pregnant with Maia and cdn't really eat anything LOL!
Sara Hannam
@ Yes indeed! Feeling very lucky :D
Sara Hannam
@ Thanks Fiona. Really hope we get to meet in person soon xx
Sara Hannam
been saying goodbye 2 people "best relationship is when your love exceeds your need" (Dalai Lama). So true. Love my friends in GR very much.
Sara Hannam
My new life in Oxford is just about to begin. Yiannis arrived safely with our stuff - me and the kids flying tomorrow. Excited!
Sara Hannam
@ good question. Maybe not!
Sara Hannam
@ Next Weds Marisa. Last day of work tomorrow x
Sara Hannam
@ The one that @ and I did for the article on TAs and technology last year (IATEFL)
Sara Hannam
@ Hee hee - best get used to it now I'm moving back to the UK
Sara Hannam
@ @ That wiki was one of Marisa's masterpieces x
Sara Hannam
@ moving to Oxford in mid-November and looking forward to ordering my weekely veg box!
Sara Hannam
@ Follow this great e-platform of EL educators in SE Europe. SEETA is a must for any tech-savvy educator. Recommend!
Scott Thornbury
RT @: Download sample activities from our first e-book @ - '52'
A coutnry being bled white and destroyed by those who claim to save it - thx to @ for sharing this
Sara Hannam
@ :D give us a twirl LOL!
Sara Hannam
What could be more convincing, moreover, than the gesture of laying one's cards face up on the table? Jacques Lacan
Sara Hannam
@ @ @ And thank you for being such a great host. Really really enjoyed the weekend Marios x