From the TUC

Too early to call time on the consumer spending boom

Geoff Tily

22 Apr 2017, by in Economics

Retail sales have seen their worst decline since 2010. But rising consumer credit figures suggest we’re not at the end of the consumer spending boom just yet. Retail sales volumes declined by -1.4% in the first quarter of 2017, the worse quarterly decline since the first quarter of 2010  (itself the worst quarterly decline on…

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In the Budget Philip Hammond said rising real wages were ‘most important’ – what happened?

Geoff Tily

12 Apr 2017, by in Economics

8 March 2017, Philip Hammond’s Budget Speech: And most importantly, Mr Deputy Speaker, despite higher-than-target inflation, real wages continue to rise in every year of the forecast. [my emphasis] 12 April 2017, only five weeks later, statistics from ONS Labour Market statistics release show: on the single month measure, real wages in decline by -0.4%,…

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A note on the economic impact of Roosevelt’s New Deal

Geoff Tily

06 Apr 2017, by in Economics

This post is brief background to a longer piece that views Roosevelt’s economics through his impact on Washington D.C. The economic statistics show his initiatives brought the US great depression to a decisive end; they also stabilised the deterioration in the public sector finances. Yet the efforts can be dismissed as trivial. A former Chair…

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