Ordering collection items

You are welcome to view our collections on site, but we do not lend out material from our collections.

Some of the items in our collection are not owned by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), but have been deposited with us for preservation and safe-keeping. If you would like to view or request copies of collection items that fall into this category, permission will need to be given by the relevant Indigenous Australian person, family or community and/or the depositor that owns the collection item beforehand. If the material is being requested for publication, we will need to consult with the depositor/s before proceeding.

We cannot guarantee that all materials will be made available to all clients, or that permission will be received within a set timeframe.

Ordering items from the print collection

You can request photocopies of articles and a reasonable section of books. Once you know which collection items you would like copies of, complete a photocopy request form (PDF 192KB).There is a standard fee for each item.

Document copying services and charges

Service Fee Turn-around time
Interlibrary loans and document supply (for libraries only) standard Australian Interlibrary Resource Sharing (ILRS) rates ill@aiatsis.gov.au
Photocopies $12.00 per item for up to 50 pages (all copying is done by our staff) 30 working days
Rare materials* 50c per page (all copying done by our staff) 30 working days
Language materials** standard ILRS rates 30 working days
Pamphlet manuscripts** # $12.00 per item 30 working days
Australian Indigenous Electronic Collections# $12.00 per item 30 working days
* Available at the discretion of Rare Book Collection manager due to nature of the material.
** No more than five items can be requested at one time.
# Subject to access conditions

Copies of theses should be sought from the institution they were submitted to first. You can email us if you don't know which institution to contact.

All manuscripts are subject to access conditions and require an Indemnity form and in some cases a Permission form. Email us for further advice on accessing manuscripts that interest you.

Ordering items from the audiovisual collection

Once you know which collection items you would like copies of, email us to request those items. There is a standard fee for each item.

What happens when I make a request for audiovisual materials?

  • We will check your request to make sure we have all the necessary details.
  • You will be contacted shortly after we receive your request to let you know if we have any relevant material and the approximate waiting time before an Access Officer can commence your request.
  • We will send you an indemnity form to sign, which lists the items requested and your intended use.
  • If you would like to receive the materials for free under the Return of Material to Indigenous Communities (ROMTIC) program, please state your family or cultural affiliation with the material on the indemnity form.
  • You will be asked to complete a prepayment form unless you are obtaining material under the ROMTIC Program.
  • Once prepayment has been received or the ROMTIC allowance has been approved, we will forward your request to the relevant technical area for copying.
  • We give you an approximate date that the material will be sent out (between 2 and 6 weeks).

Schedule of audiovisual fees and services

Please note prices are a guide only and will be quoted on a case by case basis.


Product Processing details Fee
MP3 file (up to 10 files per CD) Processing fee for digitised material $7.00 each
WAV file (only 1 file per CD) Processing fee for digitised material $7.00 each
WAV/MP3 file Processing fee for undigitised material $35 per 30 minute block
CD File carrier $5.00 each
Exhibition/broadcast/web fee Per second (minimum 30 sec) $2.50 per second – commercial
$1.25 per second - community NFP

Moving image

Product Processing details Fee
DVD file + DVD Processing fee for digitised material + DVD $25.00 each
Pro Res HD (broadcast quality) Processing fee for undigitised material on demand $135.00 per hour
DVD File carrier $7.00 each
Exhibition/broadcast/web fee Per second (minimum 30 sec) $25.00 per second – commercial
$12.50 per second – community NFP


Product Size Fee
Digital file (image already digitised)

72 dpi jpeg (web quality)
300 dpi
30 dpi TIFF (publication quality)
Custom scans above 300 dpi

Digital file (images not yet digitised incur an additional processing fee) As above plus $10.00 per image
+ CD/DVD   $5.50 each
Digital prints B5
Publications/exhibition/broadcast/web fee Per image $110.00 – commercial
$55.00 – community NFP


Service Parcel size Fee
Standard postage (within Australia) Small (500 g) $9.00
Standard postage (within Australia) Medium (3 kg) $14.00
Standard postage (within Australia) Large (5 kg) $17.00
Overnight delivery (AusPost) or courier delivery (within Australia) All POA


All requests must comply with the Copyright Act 1968. This means that a copyright declaration must accompany all requests. This declaration is included in our photocopy request form (PDF 192 KB).

The Copyright Act allows a certain amount of material to be copied if it complies with ’fair dealing’ conditions which are for the purposes of research or study. For print items this generally amounts to:

  • ten per cent of the number of pages
  • one chapter, if the work is divided into chapters; or
  • one article from a single issue of a journal.

This means that you cannot photocopy a whole work unless it no longer is in copyright or the copyright owner has given specific permission to do so. Visit the Australian Copyright Council for more information about copyright.

A lot of the material held in our Audiovisual collection carries personal, ceremonial or copyright restrictions and can only be copied once permissions have been obtained. We will prepare a complete list of relevant material for you and provide advice about obtaining permissions.