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Mura® is the AIATSIS collections catalogue and its name is a word from the Ngunnawal language meaning pathway.

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  • Search all collections through simple or advanced search functions
  • Search audiovisual archives
  • Search library collections
  • Search family history resources

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Conditions of use - important sensitivity information

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are advised that the Mura® catalogue may contain names, images and voices of deceased people.

It is a condition of use of the catalogue that you ensure that any disclosure of the information contained in it is consistent with the views and sensitivities of relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Considerations include:


Please be aware that there may be words, descriptions, names, sounds, images, videos and audio recordings which may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. Terms and annotations which reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written may not be considered appropriate today. These views are not necessarily the views of AIATSIS. While the information may not reflect current understandings, it is provided in an historical context

Deceased persons

Seeing images of deceased persons in photographs, film and books or hearing them in recordings may cause sadness or distress and offend against strongly held cultural prohibitions in some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 

Access conditions

Collection items discovered through this catalogue may be subject to access conditions imposed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families or communities. Some of the items in our collection are not owned by AIATSIS, but have been deposited with us for preservation and safe-keeping. In cases where AIATSIS does not own collection items, depositors may also impose terms and conditions which we are required to maintain. This may affect your access to certain collection materials.

Further reading

Read more in our tutorials on how to use Mura®. You can also search the Pathways thesaurus for the terms we use to describe all materials in the collections.