Pictures database

The Perfect Pictures database contains over 140,000 images – representing about 20% of the total holdings of the AIATSIS Photographic Collection.

Images are added to the database on a regular, ongoing basis as collections are digitised. Images that are subject to access restrictions (e.g. secret/sacred content) are not included in the Perfect Pictures database. The Perfect Pictures database is available for use in the AIATSIS Reading Room. 

Find out about visiting the Reading Room.

How to obtain a photo quality reproduction of the database images

If you wish to obtain a photo-quality reproduction of any of the images you see on the Perfect Pictures Database, you will need to fill out an Enquiry to the AIATSIS Collections form. Access Unit staff will advise as to the cost of this service and can provide details of the Return of Materials to Indigenous Communities (ROMTIC) scheme upon receipt of your completed enquiry form.