Other documents


William Grant Broughton to Reverend H. T. Stiles, Sydney, Jan. 8, 1840


This letter, written in response to a personal request from George Cox, authorised Reverend Henry Tarlton Stiles of Mulgoa to baptised a young ‘native female’.

Although Archbishop Broughton did not mention Diana by name, known dates and circumstances make it highly unlikely that he was referring to anyone but Diana.

Scanned version (PDF - 600KB) | Transcript (PDF - 20KB)

George Cox of Mulgoa, letter to his sons


In 1847, George Cox wrote a number of letters to his son George Henry including one in which he referred to the death of James Knight, the husband of Diana's eldest daughter Sarah.

These letters were published in 1980 by Cox's descendants G.C. Cox, R.W. Cox and E. Hickson who have kindly given us permission to reproduce the relevant letter

For more information see: The Diana / COX family connection.

Scanned version (PDF - 481 KB)

Marcia Rutter letter


A personal account of her family's connections to Diana written by descendant, Marcia Rutter.

Scanned version (PDF - 20 KB)

Marcia letter

Special Documents

Cemetery records

Dubbo cemetery


Dubbo and District Family History Society Vol. 5: Church of England, Section R2, page 25


This document shows the burial record for Diana's daughter Jane Vitnell (nee RAYNER) (d.1919) and Jane's husband George (d.1905)

285 Kb

Other records


Application of William Phillips for permission to marry Diana. 176 Kb


List of persons applying for the publication of banns St Thomas’ Church, Mulgoa, reg. 1840. This list shows Diana and William Phillips as applicants for the publication of marriage bans. 956 Kb


Mudgee census 1891. Census district 20, Mudgee, county of Wellington showing Shadrack Rayner of Piambong. (Source: Bureau of Statistics; 1891 Census Collectors' Books. SRNSW: CGS 683 [2/8406], Reel 2545) 331 Kb

Dubbo and District Family History Society

These pages were reproduced with the kind permission of the Dubbo and District Family History Society. For information on purchasing these books contact the Society.
Pioneer register Pioneer register: Dubbo and Western Region of NSW, Vol. 1

Page 267 outlines the life of Diana's granddaughter Caroline Vitnell, the daugher of Diana's daughter, Jane.

254 Kb
Pioneer register Pioneer register: Dubbo and Western Region of NSW, Vol. 2


Details of Diana and her children including a short biography

The following pages are reproduced:

  • John Blackhall, pages 16 – 17
  • Diana Jennings, pages 97 – 98
  • Jane Rayner, pages 145 – 146
  • Robert Rayner, pages 147
356 Kb

Mudgee Historical Society documents

The following documents were prepared by Society President John Broadley and are reproduced here with his kind permission:

Resume of George COX and George Henry COX

1.61 Mb

Notes of Diana and the Piambong area

65 Kb

Marcia Rutter documents

In 1991 Marcia Rutter, the great-granddaughter of Diana's daughter, Jane Vitnell, deposited at AIATSIS a copy of the information that she had collected on Diana and her family. Many of the documents on this website come from Marcia's collection and have been reproduced here with her kind permission. Worthy of highlighting is Marcia's short biography on Robert and Diana Rayner and family.

The documents have been assembled into a manuscript and added to our catalogue (AIATSIS call number PMS 5084)


Mudgee Times Tuesday August 10, 1875

Mudgee as it is. Situation and general description

Mudgee Times  

238 Kb

Transcript 73 Kb

Mudgee Guardian and Northwest Advocate, Monday May 5, 1902

Mudgee Gaurdian This is the first page of the issue of the Mudgee Guardian from the day following Diana's death and gives some idea of what Mudgee would have been like at the time. 215 Kb