Research publications

The areas in which we publish include: land rights and native title, governance, education, linguistics, health, as well as Indigenous studies including history, anthropology and cultural, colonial and legal studies. All publications are peer reviewed.

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Research books / monographs

We publish edited volumes and monographs in a range of areas including land rights and native title, history, anthropology, cultural and legal studies, governance, education , linguistics and health.

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The results of our workshops, research projects and forums are published in a range of research reports that provide timely updates on research findings.

Research publications

Research news

Developments in Indigenous news, projects and research are regularly published in newsletters and online resources.


Issues and discussion papers

These papers, which are independently peer reviewed, provide an in-depth analysis of emerging and contemporary issues.


Guides and resources

These publications provide easy-to-access summaries and guides on a range of native title and Indigenous research topics and resources.


Australian Aboriginal Studies Journal

Australian Aboriginal Studies is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal promoting high-quality research in Australian Indigenous studies, with a focus on the humanities and social sciences.