Independent review

In June 2013, the former Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE) commissioned ACIL Allen Consulting to undertake an independent review of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS). Following machinery-of-government changes in 2013, AIATSIS is now in the Education portfolio.

The purpose of the review was to provide advice on AIATSIS' contribution to broader government policy objectives, performance against its legislated functions and how its role as a national research institution can be strengthened.  The Department of Education accepted the final report of the Review on 4 June 2014.

The AIATSIS Council and Executive welcomed the review, and AIATSIS agrees with the review recommendations. The review report provides valuable input from AIATSIS’ stakeholders and identifies important issues and challenges to address for the future

AIATSIS is now working with the Department of Education to develop a strategy that would address the challenges it faces in maintaining and protecting its world class collection on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history, respond to the review and position the organisation to anticipate and respond to emerging issues over the next fifty years.

The review was undertaken by ACIL Allen Consulting in partnership with Professor Mark Rose and Dr Mark McMillan. A reference group comprising Professor Ian Anderson, University of Melbourne and Chair of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Advisory Council and Ms Patricia Turner AM provided advice to the Review Team.

If you have any queries in relation to the review that you would like to discuss with AIATSIS, please contact Jacqui Malins.