Seeing Yolngu, Seeing Mathematics
Michael Cooke
Lecturer in Aboriginal Languages and Linguistics
(Centre for Australian Languages and Linguistics)
Batchelor College
November 1990

Title page to page 1.

Including Time and Number.

Including Moiety, Marriage Laws, Alternation of Moieties and Kinship Terminology.

'Bridging the Gap: bicultural teacher training in mathematics education for Aboriginal trainees from traditional communities.'

Beth Graham
A review of literature submitted to fulfil requirements of ERM 882
Research Methodology
School of Education,
Deakin University
November 1985

Title Page
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Mathematics and minority groups
2.1 Learning the mathematico - technological culture
3. Reflections on mathematics in mainstream society
3.1 Becoming a counting person
3.2 Learning in school
3.3 Spatial learning

4. Thinking, talking and learning
4.1 Thinking and learning
4.2 Constructing mathematical meanings
4.3 Learning through language
5. Two languages in mathematics education
5.1 Bilingual children in mainstream education
5.2 Two languages in cross-cultural education
5.3 Mathematics in the mother tongue
5.4 Language, culture and meaning
5.5 Moving into the MT culture

6. An Aboriginal view of reality
6.1 A concern for quality
6.2 Many languages: many systems of knowledge
6.3 Ethnomathematics and formal schooling
7. Conclusion
'Counting at Pularumpi: a survey of a traditional mathematics and its implications for modern learning.'
By Robert W. McRoberts

'Aboriginal mathematical concepts: a cultural and linguistic explanation for some of the problems.'
By Barbara J. Sayers

'The context of culture: curriculum studies in mathematics for Aboriginal-Australian teacher education students.'
By Ron Stanton

A description of the mathematical concepts of Groote Eylandt Aborigines
Judith Stokes
December 1982

Title page
0. Introduction
1. Pure Number
1.1 Cardinal Number

2.1 Estimation
2.2 Time
2.3 Distance

2.4. Position
2.5. Speed

2.6 Space
2.7 Size
2.8 Mass
2.9 Capacity
2.10 Money
2.11 Age
3. Conclusion