Media information

This information relating to our publications is provided for media professionals and journalists.

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Excerpts of reviews that relate to specific titles are included with each publication’s main listing. Search our catalogue for this information.

Media centre

High-resolution JPEG cover images and media releases are available below to high-resolution JPEG images and media releases.

Month - 2014 Title Author Cover image Media release
September  Melbourne Dreaming Meyer Eidelson 167 KB

Melbourne Dreaming - A guide to important places of the past and present

August Remembering the future Melinda Hinkson 155 KB Remembering the future media release
June Kangkushot Jolly Read and Peter Coppin 186 KB -
April Calling the Shots Jane Lydon (editor) 143 KB Calling the Shots media release
February Arresting Incarceration Don Weatherburn 62 KB Arresting Incarceration media release