The RAN crew of HMAS Perth presenting for inspection by Prime Minister MenziesArmy personnel in Gorari, New GuineaThe RAAF crew of a Halifax aircraft, Squadron 466Australian Army Medical Women's Service (AAMWS) members after returning home from Balikpapan aboard the aircraft carrier HMS VengeanceA group of the Merchant Navy survivors off the Macdhui
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Welcome to the World War Two Nominal Roll website.

The World War Two Nominal Roll was created to honour and commemorate the men and women who served in Australia's defence forces and the Merchant Navy during this conflict.

This site contains information from the service records of some one million individuals who served during World War Two.

You may search for service record details by specifying name, service number, honours, place (of birth, of enlistment, or residential locality at enlistment). Once you find an individual service record you can print a certificate, if you wish.

Individuals were given an opportunity to have their service details excluded from the website prior to it being published. More detailed information about this, and the roll, is available at About this Nominal Roll.

If you would like to contact us about this website, please refer to our contact details.

This site was last updated on 07/03/2017.

Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2002. Acknowledgements | Disclaimer End of page