Health and wellbeing

Our health and wellbeing research focuses on improving the lives of Indigenous Australians through our own study outcomes and supporting others working in this area.  

We work on a number of health and wellbeing topics including social and emotional wellbeing, mental health, chronic disease and substance use, and new instructions in medical practice.

The collaborative nature of our work has led to the establishment of partnerships and wide networks which help the spread of new research outcomes and initiatives in health policy.

Ongoing work

  • Evaluation of National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) ethics documents (with Lowitja Institute)
  • The role of Indigenous cancer survivors in improving cancer awareness and outcomes for Indigenous cancer patients (with Menzies School of Health Research and others)
  • Emotional and social wellbeing (Intergenerational trauma: siblings of the Stolen Generations)
  • Processes in managing chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • Identity and deficit discourse research (with National Centre for Indigenous Studies, ANU)
  • Relationship between traditional language use and health wellbeing
  • Developing measures of cultural proficiency in organisational change management
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tobacco use in NSW (45 and up study)
  • Review of the Bringing Them Home Report recommendations (with National Stolen Generations Alliance)
  • Stolen Generations Research Project - establishing an evidence base to inform government and service providers on the intergenerational impact of the policy of forced removals
  • A transnational, comparative study on the effects of reconciliation on the social and emotional wellbeing of people affected by past forced removal policies