Education and cultural transmission

Education and cultural transmission aims to improve the approach to and delivery of education for Indigenous Australians.

This is done through both academic and community based research, and applies the theories and practices of education to representations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a broad social context. We help educators and policy makers understand how this may affect learning outcomes, no matter whether teaching the Australian curriculum in primary and high school classrooms, at university or in the wider world.

We have conducted many successful education programs in communities, and our research is also informed by land and country, health and social justice.

Our research covers many diverse projects, but they all add to historical and current understandings of Indigenous people with the aim of influencing future attitudes. Working together and sharing new insights across a range of topics, including education, sport, visual arts, media, literature and orature, has resulted in many practical outcomes that have developed many new publications, programs and policy advice.

Research team