已封鎖 @jon_snow_420

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  1. going to the movies was fun even though the movie was bad and instead of going out to dinner i bought 2 hotdogs and a sausage at the dairy

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  2. ": Crown responsible for the deprived state many Whanganui Māori live in, a report has found" another report has found Yeah no shit

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  3. Paranormal activity ghost dimension review: dull, dull, unforgivably dull, incompetent in every conceivable way, dull

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  4. His little girl friend was like oh no another woman talkin to my man! But then she was like oh its just a kindly old aunty

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  5. Passive aggressive act of the day complete

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  6. A sniffing boy is sitting near me and i so badly want to put a hanky over his nose and demand he blow but I gave him cold meds instead

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  7. Always interesting what kids don't know. In the last couple days have explained to my 6 yo what a letter, Coca Cola, and Jesus are.

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  8. 4yo: is grover cookie monster's dad? me: holy shit

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  9. People are filing in but no one is sitting in the back row with me. This is good but also hurts my feelings

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  10. Apparently his real name is Josh Reweti. Tell his whole damn family

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  11. Just realised saying stuff during sex is embarrassing with a New Zealand accent

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  12. I have the whole back row of this theatre to myself and I'm going to smooch my hand really loud

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  13. I'm the only one in the theatre. A lady came in then went away again. I'm not a ghost!

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  14. . you are a bad influence on me

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  15. Forgot how bullshit 3d glasses are when they have to fit over normal glasses

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  16. I want to be an asshole and go over there and witness to them about the old gods

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  17. bitch, we know it

  18. priest: give me a sign! god: now usually i dont do this…but break em off with a lil preview of the remix [bass drops] priest: holy shit

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  19. damn... this Mr Hyde character is pretty rude... not being very considerate. but it provides an interesting contrast to the main guy, Jekyll

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  20. Come and missionize at me I'm looking for a fight

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