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Lisa Wilkinson's Logies 2017 omission remains a puzzle

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The recent announcement of the Logie Awards nominations triggered the customary controversy.

This year, it's focused on the fact that Jessica Marais (The Wrong Girl, Love Child) is the only woman in contention for the Gold Logie, the biggest award of the night. The other nominees are Grant Denyer (Family Feud), Rodger Corser (Doctor Doctor, The Doctor Blake Mysteries), Peter Helliar (The Project), Waleed Aly (The Project) and Sam Johnson (Molly). Last year's kerfuffle was triggered by the inclusion of Aly, the eventual winner, and longtime SBS host and all-round TV icon Lee Lin Chin among the nominees for the Gold.

The Logie Awards (April 23 this year), often referred to, but rarely without at least a hint of irony, as "Australian television's night of nights", are a reliable magnet for controversy and an easy target for criticism. This stems partly from the fact that, as five-time Gold winner Ray Martin put it so succinctly in the mid-'90s, "It's the only game in town". But the sniping is also invited by the reality that the most prominent TV awards essentially exist as promotion for a fan magazine. It's a foundation that can't be ignored, no matter how hard its producers work to balance out that bias.

But even bearing in mind the fundamentally compromised nature of the event, it remains a big deal. It's a time to acknowledge the achievements of the past year and applaud the people who have contributed to them. The Hall of Fame, so memorably entered last year by Noni Hazlehurst, celebrates contributions to the industry over decades.

So here's my question: where the hell is Lisa Wilkinson? Her consistent omission from Gold Logie consideration is baffling and bizarre. And it's even more outrageous given that her on-air partner at Nine's Today show, Karl Stefanovic, got that gong in 2011 and scored a nomination in 2012.

Assuming that a network's promotion of its personalities plays some part in cultivating a profile that might catapult them into contention for the Gold, here's what Nine has managed in recent years for some of its (male) stars. In addition to Stefanovic's still-surprising win, Scott Cam (The Block) won in 2014 and was nominated 2015 and 2016. Hamish Blake took home the Gold in 2012 on the basis of just 10 episodes of Hamish and Andy's Gap Year. He was nominated again in 2013 and 2015, as was his screen partner, Andy Lee, in 2013, 2014 and 2015.


Meanwhile, and by striking contrast, for Wilkinson, nothing, nada, zip. Not a single Gold Logie nomination even though she's been a key contributor the Today show since 2007, front and centre in one of the most fiercely contested timeslots in television.

Wilkinson assumed the hot seat beside Stefanovic following a troubled period for Today. Its long-time domination had been successfully challenged by Seven's upstart Sunrise and Nine's efforts to revive it by poaching Jessica Rowe from Ten ended in scandal and a resounding failure to fix the problems. At that stage, Today trailed Sunrise by a substantial monthly average of 160,000 city viewers. That gap has closed and the contest is now so close that when Nine claimed victory in the slot last year, Seven threatened legal action.

Wilkinson steadied the ship and throughout her time at Today, she's been a class act, demonstrating an ability to execute the juggle required by live breakfast TV: the cheery, chatty stuff as well as the tougher interviews. Over the last year, she's been an invaluable anchor as her co-host became the focus of damaging publicity relating to his off-screen affairs. As well, over the years, she's co-hosted Carols by Candlelight and even done time asking people who they're wearing on Logies Red Carpet specials.

Through it all, she's hardly fumbled, although last year's sour, out-of-character assent with Stefanovic's jibe that she was "too white" to score a nomination exposed an underlying bitterness. It was a rare crack in the public facade and the kind of slip that live TV can easily elicit.

Over the years, there haven't been many. Even in 2013 when Melissa Doyle was ejected from the seat beside David Koch on Sunrise after 14 years, having been a key contributor to that show's ascendancy, Wilkinson remained silent publicly. Doyle was replaced by Samantha Armytage in a move that looked to all the world as though Seven had traded the stalwart Doyle for a younger model and there was speculation that Wilkinson might be a target for similar treatment. She wisely kept her own counsel and didn't comment beyond remarking, "You'd be a fool to feel safe on TV, it's a very fickle industry and I accepted that from day one." 

Fickle or not, Wilkinson's regular omission from Logies recognition suggests there's something wrong with this picture. Seriously, what's a gal gotta do?