Christopher Hicks


Emergency physician, trauma team leader, St. Michael's Hospital, Clinician-Educator, . Opinions my own.

Toronto, Canada

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  1. A Shared mental model is essential for good CRM

  2. 回复给

    Imma channel Ghali here and USE CAPS LOCK TO STRENUOUSLY DISAGREE

  3. 回复给

    Didn't nobody here use the word "must"

  4. All but one of the ECGs on the depict upright T waves in V2-4 (w/other patterns possible)

  5. I'll throw into the mix, as he authored that LITFL segment

  6. 回复给

    Granted anything is possible, I don't think that particular ECG pattern is representative

  7. 回复给

    Waitasec ... that image depicts V1-V4; with posterior ischemia T-wave in that location should be upright

  8. 回复给

    That bottom left one is still bugging me; classic posterior STEMI associated with *upright* T-wave in precordial leads

  9. "Stop sticking your finger in your brother's eye socket", and other things you often say when you have three boys at home.

  10. Exciting things planned for our 80 close friends Learning to Take the Heat at

  11. Kobe with almost as many shots as points ... I dunno ...

  12. 回复给

    Pulse present/absent has management implications independent of cardiac activity +/-

  13. 回复给

    But cardiac activity doesn't necessarily mean cardiac output

  14. 回复给

    Waitasec -- standard cardiac POCUS? LV outflow? POCUS carotid doppler? What would you use


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