

We will make Britain a country that works for everyone, not just the privileged few.


Patrick McLoughlin

Chairman of the Conservative Party


Members play an active role in the Conservative Party, can attend our annual Party Conference and receive voting rights in Party elections, once you have been a member for three months.

Under 23

Standard Party membership - and all associated benefits - is offered at a special £5 rate to those aged under 23.

Armed Forces

Standard Party Membership - and all associated benefits - is offered at a reduced rate for serving or former members of our Armed Forces.

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Members play an active role in the Conservative Party, can attend our annual Party Conference and receive voting rights in Party elections, once you have been a member for three months.

Under 23

Standard Party membership - and all associated benefits - is offered at a special £5 rate to those aged under 23.

Armed Forces

Standard Party Membership - and all associated benefits - is offered at a reduced rate for serving or former members of our Armed Forces.

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