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Why it's time to issue fines for racism in AFL crowds

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I could fill this column with an appeal to the better nature of some footy fans.

I could remind them that for all the passion the game inspires, it is only a game. I could urge them to remember that a footballer is also a human being, as sensitive as any other. I could ask them if they would like to be taunted for being who and what they are: fat, for example.

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I could read them a lesson on how not all words are equal, how some – "ape" is one – are freighted with a dark history and jar on some ears more than they might on you and me. Between mates, it might even be a rough endearment, but from one stranger to a particular other, it has overtones of "sub-human".

I could recall the whole Adam Goodes saga that so soured the last season of the career of one of the finest who ever played the game. I could remind them that Goodes became maybe the first man in Australian sporting history to be driven from the ground for a week by a country's bullying. I could ask if they really were at peace about that.

I could ask them to think twice. But what would be the point?

Some footy fans don't believe what they say is racist, or don't believe racism is a problem at the footy – or pretty much anywhere – or that the offended shouldn't take it all so personally, that they should toughen up, the princesses. They believe the rules around what is acceptable and not acceptable should be looser at the footy, or perhaps they don't believe in anything much at all, but sometimes are overwhelmed by the moment and blurt mindlessly (we've all been close to there), and think they should be excused on those grounds alone.


How do I know? Because it keeps happening. It happened again last weekend in Adelaide, probably more than once, and they're only the incidents we know about. Once is too often, anyway.

So what to do? Education is the long-term answer, so that what is laughed off as mere and harmless barracking in one generation, no matter how much hurt it causes, is seen for the abomination it is in the next. Education about racism has been in place in footy since Damian Monkhorst and Michael Long a quarter of a century ago. Education has changed the game for the better for players. It has changed it for fans, too. But not all of them. Not yet.

In the interim, let's try fines. Real fines. I know it's bit law-and-order-ish, something a desperate opposition might dream up, or rather pull out from the filing cabinet.

But they work. Fines helped to reduce the road toll, drastically. Fines helped to deal with a previous blight in sports arenas. When the penalty for ground invasion at the MCG, for instance, was in a multiple of tens of dollars, it was a bit of a lark, almost a weekly occurrence. The fine was easily covered by taking a hat around mates. Now that it is in the thousands of dollars, ranging up to nearly $10,000, and fans are repeatedly warned about this, it almost never happens.

In that context, streaking and going too fast and running off at the mouth are not so different. Even in the spur of the moment, if you thought it might cost you not loose change, but from now to next Christmas, you might think again. Or your mates might for you.

As a cure, it's a sledgehammer. But it's a sledgehammer that can't be avoided. For all the education, there will always be some people who would drive everywhere at 160km/h except for the fines, and there will always be some people who would bare their bums in the middle of the MCG except for the fines, and there will always be some people who would sling a racial slur at a footy match every week if they thought they would not be stung for it.

If we can't deter the recalcitrants from racism on moral, cultural, civil or even humanitarian grounds, let's try in a language they can understand.

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