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Melbourne Demons coach Simon Goodwin living the dream despite painful memories

There are so many places to start with Simon Goodwin's eventful, dramatic and ultimately brilliant football career as it enters its next phase as the 28th coach of the Melbourne Football Club. And a one-hour conversation can only begin to cut through the glory years, the off-field battles, the lessons learned and the detours in the journey from the Adelaide Football Club to Melbourne.

But to glimpse a picture of Goodwin the coach – the future senior mentor whose passion and ambition won over an initially sceptical Paul Roos, along with Peter Jackson and an also-dubious Demons board – is to ask him about when he learned to love the game.

Goodwin's recollections are as hypnotic as they are instructive. The relationship began when he was five, a local footy novice following his big brother Tim to the under nines. For two years it never occurred to him to move from his designated plate so his impact was minimal.

Even when he finally understood he could move off his plate to get the ball and became the under nines' full-back, Goodwin was not a standout. Not for years. Lack of height was an obstacle through adolescence and his fortunes only really changed when he grew 25 centimetres between the ages of 17 and 18.

His father Terry had played his last game for South Adelaide the year Goodwin was born – on Boxing Day, 1976 – but the young Goodwin joined his great childhood friend and now Adelaide list boss Justin Reid in the cheer squad anyway.


Speaking now of those years – right up to being overlooked in the 1996 national draft – it is clear the painful memory of the struggles have never left him but nor has the enduring love or the enjoyment.

"A lot of people leave this game bitter and twisted by it," said Goodwin, "and with a very single-minded view – that 'I was right, they were wrong'. I love the game. I've always loved it and now I love teaching it and I'd hate to get that way about the game. I want to be a part of it for a very long time.

"Now that it's about to start, I'm just so excited for the players. They came to footy like me with dreams of playing AFL as young kids and I have the responsibility to have their dream be a positive experience.

"I want their time to be enjoyable. When we work we work, but with the seriousness there has to be humour."

Mark Ricciuto, Goodwin's great friend from the beginning at the Crows, along with Kane Johnson, identified Goodwin as a future captain and therefore enrolled him into his expanding hotel business in which Goodwin remains involved through the Port Lincoln Hotel. Ricciuto said no other Adelaide player then or since prepared better or paid more attention to detail than Goodwin.

"His life balance will be his other strength," said Ricciuto. "He likes a beer and a good time with his mates too, and he'll get that balance right. What some coaches have done is make footy into too much of a job. Goody won't let that happen.

"He's a massive admirer of Neil Craig and under Craigy we trained as hard as anyone. You could say we trained too hard. But what Goody will have is a better balance there. Footy can't be like it was 20 years ago, but it's not just a job either."

Shortly before Brenton Sanderson was sacked by Adelaide, and shortly after Goodwin had verbally committed to the Roos-coached Melbourne in a five-year deal including two as an assistant coach-in-waiting, Crows director and powerbroker Ricciuto called Goodwin. The question went along the following lines: "How far down the track are you with Melbourne? Is this where you want to be?" Goodwin told Ricciuto he was committed to the Demons for a whole range of reasons.

"He didn't agree," recalled Goodwin. "We'll probably talk about all when we're both 60." Melbourne, of course, had their doubts about the Goodwin succession plan. The board harboured grave doubts due to his role as an assistant coach at Essendon during the drugs scandal and even Roos – who had interviewed and favoured Stewart Dew along with Brendon Lade and Adam Simpson the previous year – largely agreed to meet Goodwin out of respect to his colleague Todd Viney.

"Everyone at the club was caught up in a bit of uncertainty at the time," recalled Roos. "I walked in thinking this was maybe out of courtesy and walked out thinking we've got our next senior coach.

"I knew he was a good fella, but I was just so impressed with his disciplined approach and his views on our future and he'd clearly learned from (Essendon). It was such a negative experience for him, but as strange as this sounds, it had a positive result on his outlook to footy."

Goodwin, who other football staff at Essendon describe as too single-minded early on, admitted he had been fortunate that Roos had wanted the succession plan to work as much as anyone at Melbourne. "I know at times I would have trodden on his toes," said Goodwin of his former boss, "but he let me make my own mistakes.

"I'm sure I was bloody frustrating at times but he handed over training really early and deferred to me in so many ways – list management, trade decisions – and we spoke at length about strategy and our different views. He'd always challenge me but he showed a lot of patience."

Roos explained it this way: "There were a few meetings where I'd just say: 'Mate I believe in what you're doing just go your hardest.' And he knew that.

"With John [Longmire], we'd worked together for eight-and-a-half years, so if we had different opinions it didn't really matter. Here we were still getting to know each other and we owed it to the players to have a smooth transition."

No one, Goodwin included, will actually specify publicly what it exactly was he learned from his four years at Essendon, although senior Melbourne people recall his frank assessment of that dark time during the interview process and how it shaped him as a senior coach.

It is understood Goodwin – whose younger brother Chris also worked at the Bombers in the hospitality area – did tell the Demons that the experience taught him the importance of speaking up at crucial times and also that the senior coach's role was vital in shaping a football club.

Now he describes the period as an exceedingly tough one for him personally and his family. Goodwin and his wife Maggie were going through a difficult period and she had returned to Adelaide with the couple's three children. Goodwin was living in Prahran with Essendon executive – now CEO – Xavier Campbell, who had also been through a relationship break-up.

It is almost four years exactly since Goodwin was interviewed by ASADA and – to put it mildly – was grilled by the AFL investigator and former senior policeman Abraham Haddad. Goodwin was never charged or penalised for his role but did admit to the AFL and the anti-doping authority that he, like James Hird, had been treated by Stephen Dank with a variety of injections and oral supplements. Dank said Goodwin was one treated with the WADA-banned hexarelin – not banned for coaches.

Goodwin, who coached Essendon in their final game in 2013 against Richmond after Hird was banned, later enlisted the legal assistance of Holding Redlich through his management team overseen by Craig Kelly.

In 2014, Melbourne bosses spoke with the AFL's Gillon McLachlan regarding their proposed new coach Goodwin and they were assured there were no lingering issues.

While Goodwin was exposed by Dank in a leaked telephone message regarding supplement use, Campbell was further embarrassed in a back-page newspaper article and later allegedly blackmailed by the father of a disgruntled former staffer, who said he would expose the poor behavioural standards of senior people at the club during those years.

"I learned a whole range of different things," said Goodwin, who added he remained friends with Campbell. "That is for me. What I learned is what I learned ... We [Campbell and Goodwin] both went through difficult personal times. I had family issues and we've both moved on from that."

Admitting he was worried he would be tarnished by his role at Essendon, Goodwin said he remained sympathetic for the staff and players each time a new story about the scandal appeared. "It frustrates you and you feel for the people involved because they deserve to move on.

"Of course I worried, but I grew from that and will do better. You need to use every experience, good or bad, and it's how you grow from that.

"And I have in a whole range of different ways. Why wouldn't I? I'm just like anyone else. I'm human. I'm vulnerable."

Shattered by being overlooked in the 1996 national draft, Goodwin almost shifted his entire focus to his summer love, cricket, but was taken at pick 18 in the pre-season draft the following February and in his 10th senior game, at 20, played in Adelaide's first premiership team.

Craig, who remains a close friend and mentor, stood out as his favourite coach over the next 14 years – years in which Goodwin achieved 275 games, three seasons as captain, three club championships, five all-Australians, two flags and 10 finals series.

"We had great success with Blighty [Malcolm Blight]," said Goodwin, "but we didn't have a great culture. A lot of our senior players had great self-belief and there was a view that everything was possible, but Neil changed our habits and our behaviours.

"He brought in Leading Teams and we produced a lot of great leaders. Thanks to him we saw a huge cultural shift at the Adelaide Football Club that you still see today with guys like Taylor Walker and Rory Sloane."

"To put it politely," recalls father Terry Goodwin of his teenaged son, "he was a squirt. He was making more progress at cricket, where he made the state under 17s and 19s but he struggled to get into the age teams in footy.

"Then he grew quickly and he was a lumberer but when he got his balance back his natural ability stood out. But his biggest strength was his temperament. No doubt he had great skills but he was always so even. So calm and so focused. He probably felt nervous but we never saw it.

"I know from a family point of view what he gave up to achieve what he did. And his routine never changed. He had to get to the ground two hours before the game. I've got no idea what he did in the rooms when he got there, but he always got there two hours early."

Terry Goodwin, who would take his son to the races as a boy, features in Goodwin's biography as being an early influence on his son's gambling habit, which led to a self-confessed addiction, a $40,000 fine from the AFL for betting on football and rigorous months of group counselling and therapy.

Only this week, on Adelaide radio's 5AA, veteran football boss John Reid describes the club's work in assisting the turnaround of Goodwin from his gambling problem as his proudest achievement at the Crows.

According to Reid, it was that treatment that proved the most significant punctuation mark in the story of Goodwin the senior coach.

Late last year Goodwin said in an interview that he spent much of his sporting childhood trying to impress his father, who split from his mother Helen when Goodwin was four.

"I did read that," said Terry Goodwin. "I had a bit of a giggle. Yes I spoke to him. I've spoken to him about a few of the things he's said about me in interviews. I copped the blame for a few things, including the gambling. That's what a lot of families in South Australia do. They have a couple of bets on the races. And as for trying to impress me ... he always made me proud. He made me happy just doing what he was doing. He didn't have to do anything special."

Goodwin, who celebrated his 40th birthday in Bali over the summer, is now a Melbourne person in more ways than one. He and Maggie – with Lily, 15, Isabella, 12, and Eddie, 9 – live in the south-eastern suburbs and last year bought a holiday house on the Mornington Peninsula, where the coach occasionally finds time to go fishing but has struggled to fit in a game of golf over his first pre-season as senior coach.

"You're taking me into dangerous territory here," said Terry Goodwin. "He adores Melbourne. I'm happy for all my boys but they won't be coming home to Adelaide and we miss them and our grandchildren. Simon's home is Melbourne now."