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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    10. Okt. 2018

    My new book is about the horrors of Australia in the 1960s and 1970s. It's called The Land Before Avocado. More here:

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    12. Apr.
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    My friend, Associate Professor of Law at UTS, Karen O'Connell told me it was gruelling hearing Norvill's credibility attacked over and over in the courtroom. Here's her piece:

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    Just another example of how the legal profession is in desperate need of diversity. Too many old white men bringing their limited world view to making decisions that have wide reaching impact.

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  4. hat retweetet
    11. Apr.

    Oh no. Who hasn't told acquaintances that work's going swimmingly because it's incredibly unprofessional to trash your organisation?!

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  5. 11. Apr.
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    11. Apr.
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    Hey, I'm on her side and I'm not gay 😕

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  7. 11. Apr.

    I’m interested in the thread to this post. In 2019, it’s still women on one side (gay guys helping) and a lot of straight guys on the other. Why do we still have this binary over allegations of sex assault and harassment? Don’t we all want change?

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  8. 11. Apr.

    I’ve been interviewing actors since 1983. They always say ‘the project is great, cast is great’. We take it with a grain of salt: they have a show to promote. Today an Australian judge cited such standard gushing as a reason to disbelieve an account of sexual harassment.

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    11. Apr.
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    She seems to have been considered collateral damage in it all. She spoke remarkably well and calmly outside the court given she’d just been slaughtered. As she said all she ever actually wanted was an apology.

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  10. hat retweetet
    11. Apr.

    I urge the theatre industry to get behind Eryn Jean Norvill and give her all the work she so richly deserves. She is one of our most talented stage actors.

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  11. hat retweetet
    11. Apr.
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    It seemed like yet another example of a patronising older male judging a young woman. The idea that she should badmouth Rush to a journalist to be consistent with her experience of harassment is just ridiculous.

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  12. 11. Apr.

    Was it really necessary for judge in the Rush defamation case to be so critical of the complainant and her evidence? She was, after all, dragged into the case.

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  13. hat retweetet
    10. Apr.

    This is Dr. Katie Bouman. She's the computer scientist behind the first-ever image of a black hole. She developed the algorithm that turned telescopic data into the historic photo we see today.

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  14. hat retweetet

    From the Editorial Board: It took New Zealand 26 days to act on gun control. Congress has been stalling for years.

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  15. hat retweetet
    10. Apr.

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander unpublished writers of commercial fiction: get your entries together by 1 May, because I can't wait to read all your manuscripts!

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  16. 11. Apr.
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  17. 10. Apr.

    I drive a Hilux. I look good, too, when I drive it. I don’t believe is going to ban my car. I’m not saying you should vote for him - oh, that franking tax thing - just that me and my lovely ute are safe for some time. And so is yours.

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  18. hat retweetet
    10. Apr.
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    Isn't it just the best program on TV? Endlessly wise people.

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  19. 10. Apr.

    One comment, on Australian TV tonight, so perfectly expressed the vision of and . With more will, more books. We can do this.

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  20. 10. Apr.

    “When you give someone a book and say ‘this is your way out of poverty’, they will read that book”. So many great moments on tonight’s African-Oz edition of on

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  21. hat retweetet
    10. Apr.

    The Aboriginal stories of the sea rise 7,000 years ago have been confirmed. Here's a plain English version of one: Morris, L. (2017) 7,000 year old Indigenous story proved true. Retrieved from

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