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Coalition Pushing New Housing Solutions for BC

front thumb for New development tower


Landlords, non-profits, co-ops and allies unite to make housing an election issue. Read more »

By Christopher Cheung, Today


Christy Clark with a baby

Christy Clark’s ‘Empathy Deficit’ Could Cost Her Election

On health firings and fentanyl deaths, Clark fails to show real concern.

By Bill Tieleman, Today


Port Mann Bridge

BC Liberal Platform Promises Limited New Spending, Caps to Bridge Tolls

‘We want to make sure that life stays affordable for people,’ says leader Christy Clark.

By Andrew MacLeod, Yesterday

Recent Stories



117 BC Liberal Falsehoods, Boondoggles and Scandals: The Complete List

The Tyee’s updated tally of 15 years of public messes, sourced and explained.

By David Beers, Tom Barrett and Tyee Staff and Contributors, Yesterday



It’s On! Help The Tyee Cut Through Political Spin This Election

It’s just one month away. Will you support more independent reporting?

By Jeanette Ageson and Robyn Smith, Yesterday



Christy Clark’s Conflicting Stories, and Five Takeaways from the Health Firing Report

Damning report by ombudsperson still leaves questions.

By Andrew MacLeod, Yesterday



Why BC Liberals Blocked Usual Independent Review for Site C

Politicians wanted to avoid tough questions about need for project, future costs, critics say.

By Zoë Ducklow, Yesterday


Master Class Series Spring 2017: The Art of Public Conversation

Announcing a fresh lineup of spring Tyee Master Classes, designed to help you hone your writing, storytelling, and interviewing skills.




Please Advise! What’s with the Rah-Rah BC Liberal Ad Wrapped Around the Georgia Straight?

Don’t confuse ads for political endorsement, says Doc Steve. Newsfolk gotta get paid.

By Steve Burgess, 8 Apr 2017


A member of the French Red Cross

A War We Should All Support — But Probably Won’t

Many reasons to fear killer germs, but many ways to stop them too, argues new book.

By Crawford Kilian, 7 Apr 2017



Still No Justice After Health Firings Report, Say Victims

‘No one has looked us in the eye and owned up to what this government did to us.’

By Andrew MacLeod, 7 Apr 2017


Death of Evidence rally in Ottawa

Finding that BC Gov’t Scientists Don’t Feel They Can Speak to Media ‘Shocking,’ Says NDP Critic

‘It really reminded me of the regime of Stephen Harper,’ says George Heyman.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 7 Apr 2017



Health Firings ‘Wrong and Unjust,’ But No Political Interference, Review Finds

No just cause for dismissals, process unfair, Ombudsperson finds.

By Andrew MacLeod, 6 Apr 2017



Fired Health Workers Express Hopes for Truth to Emerge in Ombuds’ Report

Though some are doubtful: ‘I don’t believe those responsible will pay a price for their actions.’

By Andrew MacLeod, 6 Apr 2017


Site of Sarita Bay LNG project

Sarita Bay LNG Vote Came with Promise of Multimillion-Dollar Education Fund

‘It was like an ultimatum to vote yes,’ says citizen of Huu-ay-aht First Nation.

By Andrew Nikiforuk, 6 Apr 2017



BC Government Undermining Their Work, Scientists Say

Study finds political interference, cuts preventing research needed for evidence-based decisions.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 6 Apr 2017



Christy Clark Balanced the Budget on Backs of Vulnerable Children and Families

NDP critic says Indigenous children and youth among hardest hit by years of failure.

By Melanie Mark, 6 Apr 2017



Green Platform Pledges $8.5 Billion in New Education Funding Over Four Years

From free daycare to postsecondary grants, party promises ‘lifelong learning’ strategy.

By Katie Hyslop, 5 Apr 2017



Construction Firm, Also a Liberal Donor, Not Adequately Punished for Worker’s Death, Says BC Fed

Government ‘cares more about big business’ than worker safety, says Irene Lanzinger.

By Andrew MacLeod, 5 Apr 2017



‘Anti-Terror’ Laws Already Eroding Free Speech, Debate

Italian philosopher barred from visiting Canada to speak at UBC, University of Calgary.

By Jon Beasley-Murray, Francesca Cadel, James Ellis and Pablo Policzer, 5 Apr 2017



Electoral Reform Groups Bring Battle to BC Campaign

Fair Vote Canada promises support for parties pledging to bring in proportional representation.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 5 Apr 2017



98 BC Liberal Falsehoods, Boondoggles and Scandals: The Clark Era 53

Part two of 15 years of public messes, sourced and explained. If we forgot any, please remind us.

By David Beers, Tom Barrett and Tyee Staff and Contributors, 4 Apr 2017


Bill Tieleman in the emergency room

Experiencing Firsthand the Crisis in BC Emergency Rooms

A columnist’s tale; at least three ER deaths in province since February.

By Bill Tieleman, 4 Apr 2017


'Canada Welcomes Refugees'

Refugees Face Enormous Barriers in Canada, Particularly Women

War and oppression can be impossible to escape. For refugee women, these challenges can be doubly complicated.

By Amea Wilbur, 4 Apr 2017


Accenture office building

BC Hydro Pulls Plug on Billion-Dollar-Plus Outsourcing Contract

Crown corporation silent on reason for ending costly 15-year Accenture experiment.

By Andrew MacLeod, 4 Apr 2017



98 BC Liberal Falsehoods, Boondoggles and Scandals: The Campbell Era 45

Part one of 15 years of public messes, sourced and explained. If we forgot any, please remind us.

By David Beers, Tom Barrett and Tyee Staff and Contributors, 3 Apr 2017



2018 Deadline for Pot Legalization ‘Aspirational,’ Says Liberal MP

Government working ‘as quickly as possible’ to pass laws, says Bill Blair.

By James Munson, 3 Apr 2017


Reality TV star Kevin O’Leary

Big Leadership Field Creates Problems for Conservatives

With 14 candidates on ballot party’s chance to showcase stars lost, says expert.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 3 Apr 2017



Calling Out the ‘Callout Culture’

In times of crisis, debates over divisions should be set aside — even briefly — in favour of unity.

By Crawford Kilian, 1 Apr 2017

Why BC Liberals Blocked Usual Independent Review for Site C

Politicians wanted to avoid tough questions about need for project, future costs, critics say.

By Zoë Ducklow


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