Model Shares Photo Of Cellulite To Show Women 'How Bloody Natural It Is'

'It’s nothing to be ashamed of.'

11/04/2017 6:55 PM AEST | Updated 11/04/2017 6:55 PM AEST

A model has shared a close-up photo of the back of her legs to tell women everywhere that cellulite is nothing to feel embarrassed about. 

British model Charli Howard posted the image on Tuesday to make a stand against the unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by some of the media.

“They say do something each day that scares you, so re-posting this is mine for the day. Despite the fact I speed walk everywhere, squat, run and occasionally do Pure Barre, I’m still left with cellulite,” she said.

“I went to an all-girls’ boarding school and really used to envy the girls in my class who seemingly had none, and whose bodies looked, to me, nothing less than perfect.

“Whenever I opened magazines, the models and celebrities I saw didn’t have cellulite either - and if they did, they were shamed in the tabloids because of it, or knocked off their perch by nasty journalists who probably have it themselves.”

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Howard, who co-founded the All Woman Project, which aims to make “all females feel represented” in the media, admitted she hasn’t always felt confident in her own skin. 

 “I felt like my cellulite was shameful, or an oddity. It wasn’t until I got older and saw other women’s bodies that I realised how bloody natural it is,” she said.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Your boyfriend isn’t gonna care if you have it, and if he does, dump him for his mate. Just kidding (or am I?).

“Don’t get me wrong - my cellulite isn’t my favourite part of my body, nor is it something I shout from the rooftops about. But I know it... [isn’t] something I need to feel embarrassed about.”

She ended her post by telling her 53,000 followers they shouldn’t let cellulite hold them back, either.

“In the words of my old pal Kendrick Lamar: ‘Show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks,’” she said.

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More than 3,000 people have liked Howard’s post, with many commenting to thank her for sharing the photo.

“Thank you, I hate my cellulite and need to learn to love it,” one user said.

Another added: “I’ve had it since I was about 12, and like you felt it was something to be ashamed of when I was a teenager. It’s just part of my body now, thank you for sharing.”

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