12 Text Messages People Sent To The Wrong Number (With Hilarious Results)

'I wanted to die.'

11/04/2017 11:06 PM AEST | Updated 12/04/2017 12:03 AM AEST

We’ve all been there: you’re hurriedly typing a message to someone and, happy with the finished result, you hit ‘send’.

But then your heart stops. You’ve sent it to the wrong person.

When that wrong person is your boss (or anybody who isn’t the intended recipient) it can prove seriously awkward, as these Reddit users swiftly found out...

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To the wrong co-worker...

“After drunkenly making out with a co-worker, I sent a hungover text to apologise and make sure we were both clear it was a mistake that none of our co-workers needed to know about.

“I sent it to another co-worker with the same name. The office gossip...” 


To the HR director...

“Texted my 50-60-year-old boss (director of Human Resources) instead of my fiancé (then girlfriend) this: ‘MFW [my face when] I eat the pussy so good you punch me in the back of the head.’

“I immediately apologised, tried to play it off as my friends grabbed my phone. She never responded. She never brought it up. Until I came to work following the day of my engagement and my boss looks at me, places her fist on her head, and says: ‘Well, we all know why she said yes’.”


From my brother...

”My brother and I were flying back from my other brother’s place. He’s sitting next to me on the plane and I get a text from him: ‘I can’t wait to be inside you.’”


To the decorator...

”Texted my friend [to tell her] I’d call her back after I was done pooping, but I had eaten White Castle (hamburgers) the night before so it would be a good while. I even put the little poo emojis at the end of the text. 

“Sent it to the painter I had been corresponding with all day who was actually downstairs starting on the kitchen. I wanted to die.”


To my girlfriend’s step dad...

”My phone doesn’t save names on some occasions and instead, only saves numbers, so I know contacts by the last three digits. My girlfriend’s number ends in 838, my girlfriend’s step dad’s number ends in 838... I sent him a message simply saying: ‘Heading off to bed now, will talk to you tomorrow, love you x.’ 

“He replied with ‘I love you too, but I think you should also tell Alice that just in case she gets jealous’.”


To my wife...

”I sent my wife a rather explicit text message on my phone whilst also typing a message to my friend on the computer. Thought I made a huge mix-up and texted my wife: ‘Sorry wrong person.’

“Realised my mistake when she responded: ‘Who was it supposed to be for?!?!’.”


To the vice president of my company...

”Many years back, I was flirting with this girl and was feeling the situation out as to whether she was interested. I’d very recently started a new job (about a month in) and my vice president’s name was “Scott”. The girl I’m flirting with is named “Samantha”. She had to cancel going out for drinks with me earlier that day and I ended up with some other friends - got right wasted. She had texted me a bit later in the night saying she was really sorry and would have to make it up to me.

“So, here I am in a cab. 2am. Wasted. Looking at the text and thinking this is a smooth reply: ‘You’ll just have to make it up to me with a few hags and kisses.’ Yes. HAGS and kisses. Smoooooooooth.

“Now, it would be cringe-worthy on it’s own, but instead I’d accidentally flipped back to the convo with my VP and sent it to him. I get a reply: ‘I think this might not be for me, but it sounds like you’re having a good night. See you Monday!’

“Stomach dropped and I figured I’m screwed. Came into the office Monday and my VP comes over and asks if I got my ‘hags and kisses’. Eight years later, he still brings it up from time to time. Amazing.”


To my wife’s boss...

“My wife and I both had bosses named Ken. One day, I wasn’t feeling the greatest so I texted her boss (accidentally) instead of my boss to see if I could get the day off. He said yes knowing full well what he was doing. But about 30 minutes later he told me that I should probably ask my boss though, just to be sure.”


To my girlfriend...

“I sent ‘I love you’ to my girlfriend. Then told her ‘wrong person’, as I meant to send it to my mother.”


To my dad...

”I accidentally sent a picture of my erect dick to my dad.”


To my sister...

“’So how about a lap dance for the birthday boy.’ Sent to my sister accidentally on my birthday. She still brings that up every now and again.”


From my mum...

”My mum accidentally sent a message saying: ‘Thank you for a great morning ;)’. It was meant for my dad.”


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