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The 'Typical Australian' Is In Their Late 30s And Married With 2 Kids

But there's a lot more to it than that.

The first data set from the 2016 Census has been released to provide a glimpse at what 'Typical Australia' looks like.

According to last year's Census of Population and Housing, the 'typical' Australian is married with two children and lives in a three-bedroom house. Women, on average, are 38; men are 37.

That 'typical' Australian couple also owns two cars and have completed their Year 12 studies. The 'typical' man spends less than five hours a week on domestic work; that number is five to 14 hours for women.

Data varies from state to state and across different ethnicities; the 'typical' Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander is aged 23 and female. That is in line with the latest results from the Government's Closing The Gap report, which showed the target to close the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians was unlikely to be met "within a generation". Indigenous men (10.6 years) and women (9.5 years) have a significantly lower life expectancy than non-Indigenous Australians, according the latest figures.

Tasmania is the oldest state according to the 'Typical Australian' report, with 42 the average 'typical age' -- 4-5 years higher than the national mark. West Australians tend to have one more room in their houses; most homeowners have a mortgage and 'typical' Northern Territorians are renters.

The first major data release from the Census will be on June 27, 2017.


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