By: Lou Mastria Jul 11, 2016

Photo: DAA Summit 2016 Accountability Panel Moderator Michael A. Signorelli of Venable LLP

Big Idea: Companies in the interest-based advertising ecosystem gain useful insights and understanding of...

By: Lou Mastria Jun 16, 2016

[Photo: During DAA Summit 2016, DAA General Counsel Stu Ingis discusses the state of self-regulation and current Federal Trade Commission priorities with Maneesha Mithal of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.]


By: Lou Mastria Jun 09, 2016

Big Idea: Video ads are a vital format for advertisers to reach a consumer on multiple devices, and improved customization will increase effectiveness

Welcome to our first in a series of blog posts dedicated to our recent DAA Summit 2016, “Connecting Self-Regulation, Relevant Ads & Respect for the Consumer” held on May 12-13, 2016, in Silicon Beach (Los...

By: Lou Mastria Jun 02, 2016

From time to time, we are called upon to offer information about how the DAA self-regulatory process works, along with details about the DAA Principles and program, their scope, and how they are enforced, as well as other points.

In the past, we have provided such information in Congressional hearings, Federal Trade Commission proceedings...

By: Lou Mastria Apr 04, 2016

This past month, the Digital Advertising Alliance undertook a fresh initiative to connect with online and mobile consumers about responsible data collection for advertising purposes, the benefits of relevance, and how they can control their interest-based advertising experiences.  With industry support, this consumer...

By: Lou Mastria Mar 24, 2016

With 104,000 marketers gathering at Mobile World Congress 2016 in late February, one dominant conversation was operability connected to responsible data collection and use for interest-based advertising.

While many changes may be in the offing, reliable, meaningful and industry-wide guidance for responsible data collection for interest-based advertising in apps and on the mobile Web are well established...

By: Lou Mastria Mar 09, 2016

Data is indeed dynamic.  Innovations in ad tech and changes in consumer behavior continue apace – based on all the reports we’re seeing.  All the while, one truth appears to remain:  brands and publishers continue to invest in interest-based, data-driven advertising and marketing as part of a toolset to engage consumers with relevance and convenience.

The Digital Advertising...

By: Lou Mastria Nov 16, 2015

Association leaders affiliated with the founding of the Digital Advertising Alliance announced their support today (November 16, 2015) with the unveiling of DAA guidance, “Application of the DAA Principles of Transparency and Control to Data Used Across Devices.”

Their reaction includes:

By: Lou Mastria Sep 22, 2015

In our attention economy – where marketers compete for the attention of consumers – I’m struck how data collection for interest-based advertising (IBA) enables support for a wide range of small publishers and niche content providers, some of whom derive most or all of their income from ad network-supplied IBA.  Without IBA, much less advertising in general, these entities could not survive.

By: Lou Mastria Sep 08, 2015


[Photo: Peter Kosmala, senior vice president of government relations at 4A’s (standing) introduces the DAA Summit 2015 panel, “Cross Border: How the DAA Program Matter to Global Advertisers.” Seated left to right: Julie Ford, executive director...