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Queries for Next/Current Election(s)

Nomination Counts

Load query  Nomination counts by party and province/territory for the 41st General Election

Load query  Nomination counts by party and previous rank for the 41st General Election

Nomination Progress

Load query  Nominations Progress in Ridings with Retiring Incumbents

Load query  Nominations Progress in Ridings with First-Time Incumbents

Load query  Nominations Progress in Ridings with the Closest 4-Way Races

Load query  Nominations Progress in Ridings with the Closest 3-Way Races

Load query  Nominations Progress in Ridings with Close Races

Queries for Current Parliament

Cabinet and Caucus Officers

Load query  Current Cabinet members and their ridings, for the 40th Parliament

Load query  Current Caucus officers and their ridings, for the 40th Parliament

Pundit Queries


