Anti-immigration party registers for B.C. election

Brad Salzberg in Vancouver, BC., October 15, 2016. Salzberg has registered his political party the Cultural Action Party with BC Elections. The party is a far right, "tradtional Canadian values," anti-immigration party, part of a larger trend toward these types of parties in Canada, the U.S. and Europe. Arlen Redekop / PNG

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Emboldened by growing anti-immigration sentiment in the United States and Europe, a B.C. man has registered a political party devoted to “Canada’s traditional identity” in advance of the provincial election.

Elections B.C. confirmed the Cultural Action Party registered on Oct. 7.

The party’s platform promises to promote English and French culture, adjust immigration and refugee policy and hold a referendum to determine public opinion on repealing the multiculturalism act.

In an interview with Postmedia on Friday, party founder Brad Salzberg said CAP’s views are “in growth mode” both at home and abroad.

“It’s developing, it’s coming into the mainstream (and) it’s coming into the political narrative,” he said. 

Salzberg pointed to the rise of both Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (who he does not like) and extreme right-wing parties in Europe to demonstrate that many people are done with “political correctness.”

He then railed against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau before turning his attention to more local issues like housing affordability, foreign real estate investment and English sign laws.

While Salzberg would not reveal his campaign budget, he said he is not a one-man show, but has a “core group” of about a dozen volunteers working with him. He has 6,000 social media supporters across the country.

“The social media following is incredible,” he said. “It’s growing and it will continue to grow.”

Reconciliation advocate Bill Chu said he believes North America has “caught the virus from Europe” and intolerance is being preached by more politicians.

For the founder of the Canadians for Reconciliation Society, it’s a sign Canadians need to be better educated about the impact of colonialism and the false idea that anyone not of European descent is an outsider.

“These ideas are still in the mainstream,” said Chu. “You don’t have to be outrageously and openly racist to hold these views.”

Salzberg has been in the media several times over the last decade, campaigning against Chinese-only signs and Chinese investment in real estate. He was dismissed from Putting Canada First, a group against mass immigration, after a South China Morning Post article alleged he had used aliases in a campaign attacking Vancouver mayoral candidate Meena Wong.

Saltzberg often puts out news releases arguing against the influence of Chinese culture and Chinese-Canadian figures in B.C. In 2014, he led a campaign to get a well-known University of B.C. history professor fired. Dr. Henry Yu has lectured and written about politics and racism in B.C.

Yu did not want to comment on CAP for this article, saying he did not want to feed Salzberg’s campaign.

As of Oct. 13, 27 political parties are registered with Elections B.C., including other lesser-known parties like B.C. Vision, B.C. Refederation Party, The Platinum Party of Employers Who Think and Act to Increase Awareness and Your Political Party of B.C.


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