Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Statement from the Toronto Theatre Critics Association on Stratford and Lynn Slotkin

"The Toronto Theatre Critics Association deplores the recent decision by the Stratford Shakespeare Festival to revoke media ticket privileges to critic Lynn Slotkin for the remainder of the 2012 season. The TTCA believes critics should not be penalized for expressing opinions that might not please a theatre's management."

Robert Cushman, The National Post
Martin Morrow, The Grid
J. Kelly Nestruck, The Globe and Mail
Richard Ouzounian, The Toronto Star
Glenn Sumi, NOW Magazine

UPDATE 5:51PM: The Stratford Shakespeare Festival has emailed Lynn Slotkin to reinstate her media tickets. Writes Ann Swerdfager, publicity director:

"Please accept our regrets for any over-hasty action on our part regarding your media tickets for the Stratford Shakespeare Festival. Upon reflection, we realise that critical debate is an essential part of any vibrant theatrical culture and that we should continue to provide you with reviewer's tickets."

1 comment:

MammaB said...

If you wrote this into an episode of Slings and Arrows it would seem far fetched.

"Over-hasty"? Under-considered. Semi-fascist. Pre-kindergarten.