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Star Wars fans converge as The Last Jedi's trailer is tipped to land

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The first trailer for the upcoming eighth Star Wars "trilogy" film will be the centrepiece of this weekend's Star Wars Celebration convention in Orlando, Florida.

The event is expected to attract thousands of fans and is, in the Star Wars fan universe, the equal of the billion-dollar San Diego-based Comc-Con.

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The global convention is held roughly every second year, though there have been shorter and longer gaps in the event's almost two decade-long history.

Only a dozen "celebrations" have ever been held, in locations as varied as Chiba in Japan, Essen in Germany and a number of US cities, including Los Angeles and Indianapolis.

Warning: Spoilers Follow

One of the key features of the new trailer, according to reports, will be the first full introduction to Laura Dern's character, Admiral Holdo.


One report from Making Star Wars suggested Holdo would be seen wearing a long, regal gown, and that one her key scenes would be a clash with resistance pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Issac).

It is also expected to contain glimpses of other new members of the cast Benicio del Toro and Kelly Marie Tran.

There is little detail about the film's plot, though its director Rian Johnson has said he wanted the film to "be a blast and to be funny and to be a ride the way the original Star Wars movies were."

The film is the eighth chapter of the Star Wars "trilogy" stories.

Star Wars is a nine film saga broken up into three trilogies, referred to as the "original" (episodes four, five and six), "prequel" (episodes one, two and three) and "sequel" (episodes seven, eight and nine) trilogies.

It picks up from the previous film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Another Star Wars film, Rogue One, which was released last year, is unconnected to the nine-film saga, focusing on separate events just prior to the original 1977 Star Wars film, which is now numbered episode four in the larger story.

Since acquiring Star Wars producer Lucasfilm, the US studio Disney has outlined plans to produce a number of standalone Star Wars films, not directly connected to the story of the Skywalker family.

The original 1977 Star Wars featured Mark Hamill as farmboy-turned-Jedi knight Luke Skywalker.

The prequel films introduced his father, the Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker, and chronicled his fall to "the dark side of the Force" and re-emergence as Lord Darth Vader.

The final "sequel trilogy" focuses on the political chaos in the aftermath of the fall of the Galactic Empire.

The eighth film will be titled The Last Jedi, a reference to Mark Hamill's character.

The film also marks the second-to-final filmed appearance of Carrie Fisher, who died last year.

Fisher filmed scenes as General (formerly Princess) Leia Organa which will be used in both the eighth and ninth episodes of the series.

The Last Jedi's director Rian Johnson and Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy are both attending the Star Wars Celebration event and will appear at a panel focused on the new film.