Join Us
DSA is the major organization on the American left with an all-embracing moral vision, systematic social analysis, and political praxis rooted in the quest for radical democracy, social freedom, and individual liberties.
—Cornel West,
DSA Honorary Chair
DSA carries on a fine old American tradition— the tradition carried on by Eugene Debs, Mother Jones, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and thousands more. I am proud to be a member.
—Barbara Ehrenreich,
DSA Honorary Chair
Active organizing for democracy is needed now more than ever. For this to succeed, both working and poor people—who are the majority—have to have a voice. DSA is one of those voices.
—Dolores Huerta,
DSA Honorary Chair

Who we are & what we do

Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few. We are a political and activist organization, not a party; through campus and community-based chapters DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people.


Join the DSA Socialist Feminist Working Group!

Read DSA's Official Statement on the Election

Socialism or Barbarism

Read the Summary of DSA's National Strategy Document

Talking Union

Blog of the DSA Labor Network.

Democratic Left

DSA's blog and quarterly print magazine.

The Activist

Blog for DSA's youth section, the Young Democratic Socialists.

The Grassroots Economics Training for Understanding and Power is a series of DSA Fund popular education workshops arming activists and organizers with the knowledge, tools and skills to explain economics from the perspective of the 99% instead of the 1%. Why is poverty on the rise? Why is a low-wage economy unproductive? Who is behind the deregulation, tax-cuts, privatization and de-unionization of the last thirty years? What might an alternative economic model look like?

Read more.

Religious Socialism is a publication dedicated to people of faith and socialism. As our community grows, we will use it to connect DSA members and to reach out to the larger group of faith-based social justice activists and thinkers. We invite you to join us in making it useful both to people of faith within DSA and to the wider religious left. Be sure to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and contribute by sending short essays, commentary and articles.

Read blog posts.

Feminist Working Group

April 12, 2017
· 78 rsvps

People of all genders are welcome to join this call to discuss DSA's work on women's and LGBTQ issues, especially in light of the new political reality that we face after the elections.  9 pm ET; 8 pm CT; 7 pm MT; 6 pm PT.

DSA New Member Orientation Call

April 18, 2017
· 19 rsvps

You've joined DSA - Great. Now register for this New Member Orientation call and find out more about our politics and our vision.  And, most importantly, how you can become involved.  8 pm ET; 7 pm CT; 6 pm MT; 5 pm PT.

DSA Queer Socialists Conference Call

April 24, 2017
· 2 rsvps

DSA is in the process of forming a Queer Socialists Working Group. This call will cover a discussion of possible activities for the group, its proposed structure, assigning tasks, and reports on the revision of DSA's LGBT statement and on possible political education activities. 9 pm ET/8 pm CT/7 pm MT/6 pm PT.


Introduction to Socialist Feminism Call

April 30, 2017
· 22 rsvps

Join Philadelphia DSA veteran activist Michele Rossi to explore “socialist feminism.” How does it differ from other forms of feminism? How and when did it develop? What does it mean for our activism? 4-5:30pm ET, 3-4:30pm CT, 2-3:30pm MT, 1-2:30pm PT.

Film Discussion: Rosa [Luxemburg]

May 31, 2017
· 59 rsvps

Join DSA member Jason Schulman to discuss the film Rosa, directed by feminist filmmaker Margarethe von Trotta. View it here at no cost before the discussion. Marxist theorist and economist Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) played a key role in German socialist politics. Jason edited Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Legacy and has a chapter in Rosa Remix. 9 ET/8 CT/7 MT/6 PT.

Film Discussion: The Free State of Jones

June 11, 2017
· 15 rsvps

Join Victoria Bynum, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History, Texas State University, San Marcos, to discuss The Free State of Jones. STX Entertainment bought the film rights to Bynum's book of the same title. She also served as a consultant and appears in a cameo scene. What was the Free State of Jones? During the Civil War, an armed band of deserters led by Newt Knight, a non-slaveholding white farmer, took to the swamps of southeastern Mississippi and battled against the Confederacy in an uprising popularly known as “The Free State of Jones.” Joining Newt in this rebellion was Rachel, a slave. From their relationship, there developed a controversial mixed-race community that endured long after the Civil War had ended. View the film here for $6 before the discussion. 8 ET/7 CT/6 MT/5 PT.