
Letters to the Editor

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

A loving last act

How sad to read of the thousands of unclaimed boxes of remains stored at crematoriums and funeral homes ("Dust to dust: ashes of loved ones remain", April 2).

Attitude to Assad is as chilling as the acts

Illustration: Alan Moir

"Quite frankly there are worse people and you simply don't know what you'd get if he were to be replaced," is as chilling a thought as the actual release of chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.

No need to lie when half a truth will do

SMH Letters

While Coalition politicians repeat the mantra that Australia has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, Australian "mum and dad" investors are enjoying an effective corporate tax rate of zero, due to dividend imputation. This is obviously the lowest in the world. 

Is Julie Bishop still smarting from a previous ticking off?

SMH Letters

In launching chagrined annoyance at her Coalition colleagues who prevented the ratification of a 2007 extradition treaty with China is Julie Bishop still smarting from a previous ticking off by the Chinese Foreign Minister?

Sale of titles registry a dumb move indeed

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Entities like the Land and Property Information service are the invisible manifestations of good government: unglamorous, unremembered, generally unappreciated (until they disappear), but nonetheless critical to the successful operation of the state.

Premier's train of thought derailed

Illustration: Alan Moir

Why is Berejiklian pushing ahead with the building of new tunnels to substandard dimensions, and conversion of the Bankstown line to cattle-class metro, when cities all over the world are moving to double-deck trains?

Introducing the Department for Human Rights Abuse

SMH Letters

One has to wonder about the contorted policies and twisted minds controlling Australia's Department of Immigration and Border Control when we read of its lax "control" of the labour-hire companies run by Queensland businessman Emmanuel Bani.

Disenchanted voters want bipartisanship

SMH Letters

If the latest polling figures don't get the message across to Malcolm and his crew that the electors are heartily fed up with adversarial politics then there is little hope for them.

A moving picture

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Thank you for informing us there are more compassionate options out there.

Abbott criticism a bit rich

SMH Letters

Tony Abbott is advocating the federal government assist the asbestos-riddled Hazelwood power station.

London news brings sense of helplessness

SMH Letters

Listening with horror and helplessness to the news from London this morning, I realised that when the news shifts to "the current war in?", I switch off.

Move on 18C will strengthen Labor ammo

Illustration: Alan Moir

While there may be legal confusion on the proposed Section 18C changes of the Racial Discrimination Act, there is no confusion on its intent in the minds of minorities.

Brows knitted over patronising Peter Dutton

SMH Letters

So Peter Dutton thinks concerned business leaders are mere puppets in the hands of dastardly lobby groups ("Turnbull government 'won't be bullied' by CEOs on same-sex marriage, says Peter Dutton",, March 19). Heaven forbid that anyone other than a politician should have an opinion.

Australia slow learners over energy woes

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Chris Danckwerts (Letters, March 16) asks why we need an energy market at all. Answer? We don't – unless a market can be designed that achieves some public good.

Devoted parents

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Let us thank Bethan and Johnny McElwee, who have generously revealed their poignant journey with their daughter Aviana, ("When the new normal is getting ready for your baby's death", March 12). The photographs are so beautiful that they almost distract us from the words describing the disease of muscular spinal atrophy, its effects and prognosis. But this information, however depressing, enables us to understand the constant demands upon these devoted parents. Our thoughts, hopes and prayers go to Bethan and Johnny as they ensure that every precious moment of Aviana's life is filled with love and wonder.

Postscript: Privatisation a failure or the future?

SMH Letters

Forget supercharging the Snowy Hydro scheme, the steam rising off Herald readers contemplating the failures of privatisations past and the folly of privatisations future could drive all the turbines the nation needs to solve its energy crisis.

An energy 'market' really what we need?

SMH Letters

In all the discussions over energy policies at state and federal levels the question that needs to be asked is: why do we need an energy "market" at all?