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Malcolm Turnbull kills off Tony Abbott's India free trade deal, for now

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says a potentially lucrative free trade agreement with India is now on the backburner, effectively declaring Tony Abbott's dream of an express negotiation phase had been unrealistic.

On his first official visit to the economic powerhouse in waiting, Mr Turnbull has also warned businesses they must be realistic about what deals can be achieved with India.

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Turnbull opens the batting in India

It's time to take the India relationship to a new level, says Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, during a trip to the country.

As the then prime minister, Mr Abbott had set an ambitious 12 month timetable on the talks in 2014 after his speedy success in inking trade deals with Japan, China, and South Korea.

Since then, officials have played for time, suggesting progress was slower than expected, but occurring nonetheless.

"It is a process that will take some time, you know, India has a long tradition of protection, particularly for agriculture, of course we are a huge agricultural exporter, so we want to have open markets for everything, but in particular for agriculture, so it will take time. But the important thing is to persevere and I think that you can see that the trade between our two countries is growing all the time, there are more opportunities arising," Mr Turnbull said.

"We will pursue continued growth in trade between Australia and India, there's no point setting a target for an agreement without having regard to the quality. You know you can sign an agreement anytime, it's a question of whether it's got the provisions that make it valuable and worthwhile from Australia's point of view," he said.


The downbeat statement - something of a reality check - accompanied renewed hopes of increased Australian involvement in India's energy market due to increased exports of coal from the Adani mine, as well as new exports of uranium, natural gas, and renewable energy technology.

On the first day of his state visit to India, the Australian Prime Minister talked up the "extraordinary achievements" of India and flagged increased Australian access to the country's burgeoning energy and education markets but admitted that sticking points in bilateral talks meant an actual deal was some time away.

"India is an extraordinary achievement, so diverse, had never existed as a single nation before 1947, 22 official languages, all the religions of the world, 11 different writing scripts and yet, one nation here in India, created since 1947: an extraordinary achievement and growing now at over 7 per cent per annum, the fastest growth rate of any comparable country," he said.

Mr Turnbull said Australia was second only to the United states in delivering higher education services to India and by advocating free trade, competition and high quality services, hoped to become No.1.

Free trade talks that had been fast-tracked under the Abbott government have recently ground to a halt, with both sides claiming a "stocktake" is under way.

However, officials admit India's focus on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership talks involving the major Asian economies, has taken precedence.

Among the sticking points between New Delhi and Canberra is India's desire to achieve freer labour mobility, allowing Indian workers to access higher-paid jobs in Australia. Australia has been reluctant to grant that concession, and has been eager to gain greater access to the lucrative services sector in India.

Higher education remains a strong export for Australia with India being its prime purchaser.

More than 60,000 Indians studied in Australia last year adding some $2.3 billion to Australia's national income.

But Australia's universities and vocational training providers believe that can be dramatically increased, especially as India has announced plans to upskill as many as 400 million workers as it attempts to reshape its economy and build a vibrant new manufacturing sector.

India's economy is regarded as the world's fastest-growing among developing economies, at more than 7 per cent, but sceptics note this strong growth is coming off a relatively low base.

The Modi government is eager to lift economic growth into double figures in a bid to provide better quality jobs and services to a growing middle-class hungry for first-world goods and services - especially in health and education.

Mr Turnbull was expected to meet Adani company representatives on Monday evening to discuss the giant Carmichael mine in Queensland's Galilee basin.

With energy security an ever-present issue, India is looking for assurances from Australia that the colossal and highly controversial coal mine can proceed.

Similar assurances are also likely to be sought regarding Australian supplies of natural gas and uranium to India.

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