Wikipedia:Ask for help

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Asking for help?

Welcome to Wikipedia! If you ask for help someone will assist you. We're a friendly bunch of volunteers around here always willing to lend a helping hand. Listed below are the main noticeboards (forums) and alternative ways to ask for assistance. For a comprehensive directory of interactive services that can be requested on Wikipedia, see requests. Wikipedia also has an introduction for aspiring contributors that provides information and resources on the basics needed to comprehend, comment on, and contribute to Wikipedia.

Wikipedia help forums

  • Help desk - the "main page" for asking questions about how to use or edit Wikipedia.
  • Teahouse - a "very friendly place" for new editors to become accustomed to and ask questions about editing.
  • Reference desk - where volunteers answer worldly questions, on any subject. e.g. "What country has the world's largest fishing fleet?"

Special services:

Static help: