ISO 2047

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ISO 2047 (Information processing – Graphical representations for the control characters of the 7-bit coded character set) ISO/IEC 646 describes a graphical representation of the control characters for debugging purposes, such as may be found in the character generator of a computer terminal; it also establishes a two-letter abbreviation of each control character. In addition, RFC 1345 "Character Mnemonics & Character Sets" is cited as the ISO 2047 two-letter abbreviation of the control character. ISO 2047, ECMA-17[1] in Europe, GB/T 3911-1983 in China, that corresponds to KS X 1010[2] in Korea (formerly KS C 5713) has been established as a standard. It was enacted "graphical representation of information exchange capabilities for character" JIS X 0209:1976 (former JIS C 6227) in Japan, and was abolished on January 20, 2010.

Character Table[edit]

Sign position Representation of the code table on Name Symbol representation [n 1] Symbol representation
0/0 NUL Null ⎕(U+2395) NU
0/1 TC₁ (SOH) Start of Heading ⌈(U+2308) SH
0/2 TC₂ (STX) Start of Text ⊥(U+22A5) SX
0/3 TC₃ (ETX) End of Text ⌋(U+230B) EX
0/4 TC₄ (EOT) End of Transmission ⌁(U+2301) ET
0/5 TC₅ (ENQ) Enquiry ⊠(U+22A0) EQ
0/6 TC₆ (ACK) Acknowledge ✓(U+2713) AK
0/7 BEL Bell ⍾(U+237E) BL
0/8 FE₀ (BS) Backspace ⌫(U+232B) BS
0/9 FE₁ (HT) Horizontal Tabulation ⪫(U+2AAB) HT
0/10 FE₂ (LF) Line Feed ≡(U+2261) LF
0/11 FE₃ (VT) Vertical Tabulation ⩛(U+2A5B) VT
0/12 FE₄ (FF) Form Feed ↡(U+21A1) FF
0/13 FE₅ (CR) Carriage Return ⪪(U+2AAA) CR
0/14 SO Shift Out ⊗(U+2297) SO
0/15 SI Shift In ⊙(U+2299) SI
1/0 TC₇ (DLE) Data Link Escape ⊟(U+229F) DL
1/1 DC₁ Device Control 1 ◷(U+25F7) D1
1/2 DC₂ Device Control 2 ◶(U+25F6) D2
1/3 DC₃ Device Control 3 ◵(U+25F5) D3
1/4 DC₄ Device Control 4 ◴(U+25F4) D4
1/5 TC₈ (NAK) Negative Acknowledge ⍻(U+237B) NK
1/6 TC₉ (SYN) Synchronization ⎍(U+238D) SY
1/7 TC₁₀ (ETB) End of Transmission Block ⊣(U+22A3) EB
1/8 CAN Cancel ⧖(U+29D6) CN
1/9 EM End of Medium ⍿(U+237F) EM
1/10 SUB Substitute Character ␦(U+2426) SB
1/11 ESC Escape ⊖(U+2296) EC
1/12 IS₄ (FS) File Separator ◰(U+25F0) FS
1/13 IS₃ (GS) Group Separator ◱(U+25F1) GS
1/14 IS₂ (RS) Record Separator ◲(U+25F2) RS
1/15 IS₁ (US) Unit Separator ◳(U+25F3) US
2/0 SP Space △(U+25B3) SP
7/15 DEL Delete ␥(U+2425) DT


  1. ^ The Unicode code charts specifically cite ISO 2047 for characters U+2301, U+237B, U+237E, U+237F, and U+2426.[3][4]
