The Latest on The Point

Did you miss The Point? Here's the latest news and features from this agenda-setting program. 

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After having spent over 15 years in the sporting limelight, Joe Williams is now making a name for himself nationally and internationally as a motivational speaker,...
His ancestors protected him from taking his life when he was a young man, now at 43, The People's Mechanic is repaying the favour.
Australia’s first Indigenous youth climate network, Seed, are hoping to build an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth movement for climate justice. Larissa...
A new online learning tool could be a game-changer for health professionals dealing with patients suffering from Machado Joseph Disease.
Indigenous company AllGrid Energy provides energy solutions for remote Indigenous communities, who often rely on diesel generators for power.
At Tunnel Creek, 120 years ago, a Bunuba man was killed and a legend was born.
A UN special investigator has criticised Australian political leaders for the high rate of Indigenous youth in detention, for failing to respect Indigenous...

More of The Point

Merryn and Glen were taken as children of the Stolen Generation. Now, they’re healing their hearts together, by tying the knot.
In 2016, NITV embarked on a bold new strategy: placing news and current affairs at the heart of its schedule, in order to lead the news agenda from an Indigenous...
NITV spent a night at the Murri Watch diversionary centre, a place for Brisbane's most vulnerable people to stay, sober up or just have a chat over a cup of tea.
A mural that honours five prominent Indigenous human rights activists located in Sydney's famous Bondi Beach has sparked a wave of controversy.
A small primary school in Perth is using the oldest stories from the Noongar people to teach year 2 students the wonders of the Universe.
One man's quest to discover his Indigenous heritage has triggered a grand revitalisation project led by UTS Design academics in two rural New South Wales...
NITV asks Karina Lester, the Aboriginal member on the Natural Resources Management Council, about her reaction to SA Premier's Jay Weatherill decision to take the...
Former NRL star Joe Williams has visited the North Dakota pipeline protest site to show his solidarity.
NITV has asked leaders from Indigenous media around the world, for their take on Trump's electoral victory.
Two months ago, the Prime Minister said any changes to Australia's race hate laws weren't a priority. But this changed today, with the announcement of an inquiry...
Jody Wilson-Raybould is the Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General. She's also a First Nations woman, and the first Aboriginal person to serve in those...
Narangga Kaurna man Jacob Boehme is no stranger to stigma: he's a gay, fair skinned, Aboriginal man with HIV. But now, he'll be sharing his story at next year's...
A team of archaeologists have uncovered a rock shelter in the Flinders Ranges with the earliest evidence of Aboriginal settlement in inland Australia.
“'Blacks down the back', that’s the words they’d use to you,” David Japaljarri Dixon says as he reflects on his six years behind bars in the Northern Territory.
Aboriginal NGO’s in the Northern Territory have welcomed a report that recommended a complete overhaul of the Territory Corrections system to address a ...

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