- published: 01 Apr 2016
- views: 4882
Cremona [kreˈmoːna] listen (Emilian: Carmona, Lombard: Cremùna) is a city and comune in northern Italy, situated in Lombardy, on the left bank of the Po River in the middle of the Pianura Padana (Po valley). It is the capital of the province of Cremona and the seat of the local city and province governments. The city of Cremona is especially noted for its musical history and traditions, including some of the earliest and most renowned luthiers, such as Giuseppe Guarneri, Antonio Stradivari, and several members of the Amati family.
Due giorni trascorsi a Cremona per raccontare questa città ricca di arte e di cultura e al tempo stesso molto vivibile. Città del violino, mentre la visiti ti sembra di sentirne il dolce suono. Palazzi storici, chiese antiche, teatri, strade eleganti ben piastrellate, un viale che porta al fiume Po alberato e molto elegante, curata anche la sponda del fiume (piastrellata ed illuminata). Meravigliosa la piazza principale e numerose le osterie con piatti tipici. Due giorni, forse un po' pochi (tenuto conto che si tratta di un posto nuovo in cui ti devi comunque orientare) e qualcosa senz'altro non è stato possibile rappresentare o rappresentarla come avrei voluto. Spero in ogni caso di aver fatto un lavoro gradito ai Cremonesi. La tecnica usata e quella del Time Lapse e dell' Hyperlapse. Il ...
video animasi ini adalah media pembelajaran mekanika teknik yang mempelajari konstruksi rangka batang pada pokok bahasan cara grafis keseimbangan titik buhul dengan metode cremona untuk mempelajari mekanika teknik yang lain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhx5xZ-t8Ck&index;=2&list;=PLWMbqe8-lTe7zIXR4S6S8cPxsEe8ZI6AO dan untuk mendownload software media pembelajaran video animasi: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4WpFkbSG8pLODZrYmxZVTdTTjQ&authuser;=0
Il riconoscimento dell'Unesco. Il Comitato Intergovernativo UNESCO per la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Immateriale, il 5 dicembre 2012, ha iscritto il "Saper fare tradizionale del violino a Cremona" nella Lista Rappresentativa del Patrimonio Immateriale dell'Umanità. L'iscrizione della Liuteria di Cremona sulla Lista Rappresentativa del Patrimonio Immateriale dell'Umanità costituisce uno straordinario evento per la diffusione della conoscenza di un "saper fare" tradizionale che porta alla realizzazione di strumenti musicali unici che tutto il mondo conosce e apprezza. La conservazione e la trasmissione che si realizza attraverso il continuo scambio tra allievi, maestri e musicisti e la condivisione con l'intera comunità cremonese e con quella più ampia degli apprendisti e dei musicisti str...
Video by: Mino Boiocchi, Matteo Sessa, Diego Capelli, Daniele Buresta. Directed by Mino Boiocchi. Produced by the City of Cremona at the request UNESCO to promote Cremona "capital of violin making for intangible assets" heritage of humanity.
Les dejo la receta de una exquisita Cremona Casera. Que la disfruten! La receta paso a paso aquí: https://youtu.be/bbBW6mwcVfs Suscríbete ahora para recibir 2 recetas semanales en https://www.youtube.com/LaCocinaDeSandy Si te gustó dale al "Me Gusta" y comentá qué te ha parecido esta receta. Muchas Gracias!!! Hasta la próxima Vídeo Receta! Visítame en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LaCocinaDeSandy y envíame tus fotos de esta linda receta
Migliaia di Sikh hanno invaso pacificamente il centro di Cremona per la Festa di Primavera 2017. Il servizio di Giovanni Rossi
ini adalah metode cremona cara grafis keseimbangan titik buhul bagian dari penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran mekanika teknik berbasis video animasi. untuk mempelajari mekanika teknik yang lain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhx5xZ-t8Ck&index;=2&list;=PLWMbqe8-lTe7zIXR4S6S8cPxsEe8ZI6AO dan untuk mendownload software media pembelajaran video animasi: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4WpFkbSG8pLODZrYmxZVTdTTjQ&authuser;=0
Model SV-800 as "the walkaway champ!" Model SV-600 as "improved feel and tone!" Model SV-500 as "a good choice for anyone looking for a first or second violin!"
nuovo singolo di corrotto su produzione di lo slavo contatti facebook : CORROTTO https://www.facebook.com/corrottofficial/ LO SLAVO https://www.facebook.com/Lo-Slavo-391342390963759/?fref=ts
Cremona : È nota come la "città delle tre T", turòon, Turàs, tetàs (torrone, Torrazzo, tettone). Altra versione è "turòon, Turàs, Tugnàs", "torrone, Torrazzo, Tognazzi" (vi è nato Ugo Tognazzi). Cremona è situata nel sud della Lombardia, a contatto col fiume Po.
Take a tour of Cremona Cathedral in Cremona, Italy - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Located in the Lombardy region of northern Italy, in a town of the same name, is the stunning Cremona Cathedral. The cathedral's façade was initially Romanesque in design and was later renovated with additional Baroque, Renaissance, and Gothic elements. The bell tower dominates the skyline surrounding the cathedral grounds and is known as the "tallest pre-modern tower in all of Italy. Construction of the cathedral began in 1107, but took nearly seven decades to complete because of a devastating earthquake in 1117. The interior is decorated with Renaissance art, including 15th through 17th century frescoes, reliefs, sculptures, wood workings, and s...
Cremona in due minuti: le cose da vedere, consigli utili e idee di viaggio nella video guida di PaesiOnLine! Su PaesiOnLine.it puoi trovare tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per organizzare la tua vacanza a Cremona: attrazioni e monumenti storici, parchi, giardini e musei, cose da fare e cose da vedere, alberghi, trasporti e i consigli di migliaia di turisti come te. Scarica la guida in Pdf di Cremona, per portarla in vacanza con te e non perderti nulla di questa splendida città. Tutto questo sulla guida di Cremona di PaesiOnLine al link: http://www.paesionline.it/cremona/comune_cremona.asp Vuoi vedere questo e tanti altri video di PaesiOnLine? Li trovi su http://video.paesionline.it!
Reghinul şi România vor fi din nou reprezentate la cel mai renumit concurs de instrumente muzicale din lume. Lutierul Kalas Csaba şi violoncelul său vor fi şi ei la ediţia din 2017 a expoziţiei de la Cremona, Italia. O echipă DAReghin TV i-a făcut o vizită în atelierul de lucru, iar ce a găsit acolo aflaţi urmărind marţi seara emisiunea Şah Mat realizată de Ovidiu Ilisan.
Places to see in ( Cremona - Italy ) Cremona is a city and comune in northern Italy, situated in Lombardy, on the left bank of the Po River in the middle of the Pianura Padana. It is the capital of the province of Cremona and the seat of the local city and province governments. Cremona is famous for its creators of stringed instruments, especially Antonio Stradivari. Even today, this small city is home to a number of small violin-making workshops. Museo Stradivario (Stradivarius Museum) to see an intriguing collection of stringed instrument-making tools (including wooden forms and paper models) from the former workshop of Antonio Stradivarius, visit this museum, housed in the city's civic museum. The museum also houses a collection of stringed instruments crafted by Stradivarius and oth...
This video was graciously provided to us by the Federation of Tourism in Lombardy. It represents an overview of some of the magnificent gastronomic treasures that await visitors to the city of Cremona (Lombardy, Italy).
Benchcrafted makes wonderful vise hardware for workbenches. Take a tour of the Glide Leg Vise and the Tail Vise. Matt Cremona shows off this extremely well machined hardware: how it gets installed and how well it operates. Check out all the work holding capabilities with his bench and why these vises are superb. Find more information and buy yours from Highland Woodworking: Benchcrafted Leg Vise: http://www.highlandwoodworking.com/benchcrafted-glide-leg-vise.aspx Benchcrafted Tail Vise: http://www.highlandwoodworking.com/benchcrafted-tail-vise.aspx
Culture, cuisine, fashion and finance, Italy's Milan has it all. After you've seen Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper, experienced the La Scala opera house, and overindulged in designers, we invite you to take your travels even further and go beyond Milan. When you sashay beyond the catwalk you will find a purrrfect pairing of Bella Vita, Bon Appetito and of course vino. http://wineoh.tv/milan-northern-italy-wine-food-travel-video Lombardia or Lombardy in English, is Italy's richest region and is blessed with an embarrassment of riches. Lombardy's regional capital is Milan; and the region's other provinces are: Brescia, Lecco, Varese, Como, Bergamo, Sondrio, Cremona, Mantova, Pavia and Lodi. Its varied vistas include industrious cities, medieval towns, lakeside resorts, and a wine country...
One peaceful afternoon
I picked up from my mailbox
The strangest looking letter I'd ever seen
A chilling little envelope
Bordered with flying bats and eerie serpents
Whose eyes were tinted green
That letter was addressed to me
So as I opened it, I froze
What I read turned my complexion three shades of blue
It said, "my name is Isaac Horowitz
I'm a male witch, a warlock
And I feel I need to spend some time with you."
Now, as a Christian from a little church
With God's call on my life,
A man of faith and power, with a challenge to grow
I did what any saint would do
In my situation
I tore it up said, "Lord, no way I'm gonna go."
Then gently and methodically the Holy Spirit spoke
And reminded me, we're God's voice to our nation
It's the church's responsibility to witness
So reluctantly I accepted this...
Witch's invitation
He had the house you'd expect
The old english cottage
A nightmare on Elm street special right to the core
The overgrown ivy,
The gate that creaked when opened
Somehow you'd expect Freddy to answer this door
The doorbell rang the hollow gong,
The knob twisted, then opened
Then Isaac stood before me with a grin
His jet black hair and well-trimmed beard
Flowed with his black silk clothes
My skin crawled as he said,
"Please..come on in"
His house was filled
With every occultic symbol you could fathom
Hanging pentagrams and horoscope signs,
A Ouija board and dungeons and dragons game
Set on the table
A crystal ball with an incandescent shine
Then graciously he handed me some steaming herbal tea
It's prescence caused my memory to jog
I thought of every horror flick I'd seen
When I was a kid and thought:
"You drink this stuff, next day you'll be a frog"
Then he led me to a high-backed chair
As he meticulously began to unfold his scenario
With evil patience
I was given a giant leather-bound book
Jammed with newspaper clippings
Thus the reason for this...
Witch's invitation
With eagerness he pointed to each article with pride
He said,
"I healed this woman through a Babylonian chant
See this man? I cured him
While performing druid worship
I was paid to curse this man with AIDS, by his aunt"
On and on, page after page,
Delightfully he flaunted each incident for an hour
Without a breath
He said, "do you realize through my understanding of the dark regions that I can make you rich?
Or even curse someone to death?"
I sat literally intimidated
by the immensity in demon power,
while his face shown with a Satanic arrogant bliss.
Then placing his hands on the arms of my chair
He said, "what can your God do to compare with this?"
I knew then how Moses felt,
How when his rod turned to a serpent
And the three magicians' did the same.
It's as if you're sitting there
In that stunned moment while your faith gets violated
And all you feel is weak, powerless and lame
I desperately and deeply prayed
Saying, "Jesus give me wisdom
I don't wanna put you through some foolish test."
Then a shaft of light shot through my soul
Lighting my eyes with fire
God stood me up, and I threw the book back in his chest
I said, "Isaac,
I'll not compare God's miracles versus Satan's
The issue's not God's kingdom in Satan's lair,
The real comparison is the condition of your soul
And the condition of mine,
and you puppet of the devil that I will compare.
My friend, one day they're coming for you
The soft associates in your incantations
The friendly demons you think you now control
The time will come when you'll be lying in bed
Wheezing like a dying animal,
and those spirits lay claim
To the rights they own to your soul.
Then the room will grow dark,
And the most hideous faces you ever saw
Will come flaming out of the floor with a yell
The vile informants that promised reincarnation
Will claw your spirit and victoriously
Drag your soul to Hell."
Then I grabbed the book and said,
"In that moment,
Which mantra, which incantation you gonna chant
To tell them to leave you alone?
My friend,
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what I would say...
I am bought with the blood of Jesus, let me go!"
I said, "Isaac, when you tossed that book in my lap,
You glowed with a sinister victory
You rejoiced when you saw your name in black & white
Now I rejoice,
But not that your cousel of demons
Are subject to Jesus,
But that my name is written
In the lamb's book of life!"
Then Isaac jumped up from his chair and screamed,
"You must leave now!"
I said, "I will, but one last obligation.
Next time think twice
Before you rumble with a man of God.
And by the way, thanks for your, uh...