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Funds in limbo for Manning Road ramp fix

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Canning Bridge locals are seeking a commitment from the new State Government to secure an upgrade of the Manning Road off-ramp, a project promised by the Liberal Party during the recent election campaign.

Manning Road currently acts as both an entry and exit to the Kwinana Freeway, and dictates drivers leaving the freeway quickly drop their speed to 60 kilometres per hour and cross lanes to exit. Drivers looking to enter via the on ramp hit a tight bend and then must bring their speed up to 80 kilometres per hour.

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A petition to change the ramp due to its 'dangerous' design racked up over 800 signatures, and Main Roads WA announced their plans for the site.

The Liberal Government promised $15 million to the plan if re-elected, and $20 million in federal funding is already committed to the project.

However, the Labor Government did not commit any amount to the project and the funding is now in limbo.

Liberal representative and member for South Perth John McGrath has been campaigning to fix the ramp for over a decade, and said it was imperative that Labor consider making a commitment soon.


"I'm very happy to work with the new State Government in order to find a solution," he said.

"Getting a ramp south onto the freeway from Manning Road would help fix the mess that is Canning Bridge. The infrastructure is a mess, and I've raised it in the past because it is quite unsafe.

"I have written to the Premier, and asked that he will look seriously at funding the project. It already has $20 million in federal funding designated for the project - the State Government needs to commit an additional $15 million."

A Main Roads WA spokeswoman said while there was not a suitable concept plan ready for release, the project was already in the works and there had been a projected cost estimate.

"A preliminary cost estimate for the construction of the proposed southbound on-ramp at the Manning Road and Kwinana Freeway intersection is approximately $35 million," she said.

"The plans effectively include an improved intersection configuration where the Manning Road southbound off-ramp crosses over the Canning Highway southbound on-ramp using a bridge structure. This would effectively separate the existing merging streams of traffic."

A Road Safety Commission spokeswoman has said the body had also previously committed to working towards a solution for the road.

"Because of the concerns raised by members of the public, we are continuing conversation with Main Roads WA about possible solutions."

Minister for Transport and Planning Rita Saffioti has been contacted for comment.