
Rob Pyne defends ALP defection

Rob Pyne has taken to Parliament to defend his decision to resign from the Labor Party and move to the cross bench, in the midst of a barrage of anger from his former colleagues and supporters, who have labelled the Cairns MP a "traitor", "a rat" and a "megalomaniac".

Labor took the first opportunity it could to drop Mr Pyne from a parliamentary committee, which will lead to a $23,400 pay cut, replacing him with another government MP.

Early election possible: Palaszczuk

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk refuses to rule out calling an early election after the resignation of Cairns MP Rob Pyne. Nine News

Member for Capalaba Don Brown took to social media to call Mr Pyne "one of the greatest Labor rats" following his announcement he would support Lawrence Springborg as premier if Annastacia Palaszczuk followed through on her threat to call an early election.

Electrical Trades Union state secretary Peter Simpson said Mr Pyne had "committed the ultimate betrayal" of power workers by joining with the Katter Party cross bench coalition, and was "tantamount to supporting the LNP's long-held privatisation agenda".

The now Independent MP for Cairns Rob Pyne.
The now Independent MP for Cairns Rob Pyne. 

"Rob Pyne said right up until last week that he would oppose privatisation," Mr Simpson said in a statement.

"Then this week, he has a flip floppy around and said he'd support Lawrence Springborg and the LNP - the very party who fought an election campaign on the hope of selling off the state's assets.

"As Lawrence Springborg has repeated time and time again, he is open to having a conversation on asset sales, and will have no qualms selling off the state's electricity network if given the chance. Rob Pyne, by signing this letter, has given him that chance."

But in a private member's statement, made from his original seat on the Labor side of the chamber, Mr Pyne defended his decisions and said he would continue to uphold the values of the labour movement, but would no longer play party politics.

Taking aim at his critics, Mr Pyne said he would continue to support the Palaszczuk Government's legislation, as long as it adhered to the values and beliefs of the wider labour movement. He said he was prepared to sacrifice his political future so he could "sleep better at night" by voting with his conscience.

Mr Pyne's statement to the House in full:

Mr Speaker, I rise to speak to my decision to resign from the Australian Labor Party and become the Independent Member for Cairns, a decision that has caused much feedback to my office, including bouquets and brickbats, though thankfully more of the former than the latter.

In relation to criticism that I have betrayed those who voted for me on the basis of my ALP membership, I point out that I have a lifetime of commitment to, and remain a part of, the wider labour movement. In fact, it is my belief, the way I continue to vote in this place will be if anything, more consistent with the commonly held beliefs of rank and file ALP members and working Queenslanders. 

The most difficulty the Parliamentary Labor Party will find securing my vote, will be when they stray from those very values.

Many party members, who are motivated by progressive values, will continue to support me. However, in making my decision, I certainly was well braced for the response from some of the 'less enlightened' true believers. 

Those most outraged by my decision have been those for whom party politics is little more than a partisan game, based on Neanderthal tribalism, and those for whom the Labor party is not a matter of conviction, but a vehicle for career advancement.  

The irony in some of the criticism from those folk, has been their lack of knowledge of labour history. I doubt they would know of Tom Aitken, Fred Patterson or other icons of the movement. In fact I doubt some of them would know TJ Ryan from OJ Simpson.

Worse still Mr. Speaker, they can't even get their pejoratives right! I have been referred to as a traitor, megalomaniac and a LNP dog. 

Whereas anyone with an ounce of knowledge of labour history would know the correct term is RAT! 

So get it right, pass the cheese and make sure it's FNQ's own Mungalli Creek ricotta.

On a serious note, most of the poor language, and rude comments were directed at my staff. Tanya and Mary are not paid to put up with that sort of rubbish and anyone who really respected fair treatment of workers would not have engaged in that sort of behaviour.

Mr. Speaker, I am unapologetic and defend my right to vote according to conscience. 

This is the one state parliament that surely needs bold and active members in the legislative assembly, as we have no upper house acting as a check on executive power.

In saying no to 'business as usual' I am fully aware of the political price, but I am prepared to sacrifice my position in a safe Labor seat so I can deliver outcomes for Cairns and sleep better at night by knowing I have voted with what my conscience tells me is best for Cairns and Queensland.

Putting Cairns first is my mantra and I am not willing to 'keep quiet' in relation to neglect of Cairns and the Far North. I stood as a Labor candidate because I felt Labor was most likely to help poor and disadvantaged residents, particularly those in west cairns, the suburbs known as the 3 Ms Manunda, Moorobool and Manoora. Well, after more than 12 months and the release of the shocking revelations in the Smallbone report I am demanding this government invest in West Cairns. I ask:

  1. The Minister for Communities to fund the Manoora and Moorobool Community Centres on a recurrent basis to deliver real community development services.
  2. The Minister for Transport to construct the new Transit Centre at Raintrees Shopping Centre;
  3. The Education Minister to fund additional programs to ensure school attendance and fund new buildings at Trinity Bay State High School to address overcrowding at the school; and
  4. The Minister for Training to 'bury the hatchet' with Choice Australia and fund them to provide community traineeships in west Cairns, as the only NGO specific to that area.

Mr Speaker whether it is this important work or other important projects in the Cairns electorate such as the new Cairns ring road and Level 6 funding for Cairns hospital I ask the Palaszczuk Government to take action.

Mr Speaker, since my decision there has been some media commentary around the prospect of a fresh election. 

I believe this is a second preference for Queenslanders. Their first preference is for the government to govern. 

So whether it is the above work or other projects and services I say to the premier and her government, forget elections and get on with the business of governing. 

The people of Queensland are desperate this, so in the famous words associated with Nike "just do it".

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