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Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
April 9, 2017 Disclaimer: Please read.

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Gregory Bull / AP

U.S. Policies Created the Immigration Problem. Scapegoating Immigrants Makes It Worse.

Donald Trump and his GOP cohorts are using the issue to distract and divide U.S. workers while the ruling class exploits them.


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Alaa Alyousef / AP

The Pandora’s Box of War

Amid the U.S. outrage over Syrian civilian deaths from banned weapons, we should not forget America’s role in creating and perpetuating the seemingly endless conflict.
Shepard Fairey

‘Iconic: Black Panther’ Ties Then With Now

Touring exhibit features works by original members of the revolutionary group and other anti-establishment artists.
A/V Booth

Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and columnist Bill Blum discuss the history of scapegoating immigrants for crimes, as well as former President Bill Clinton’s role in Donald Trump’s immigration policies.   

The Truthdig team sat down with comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore Thursday to discuss the intersection of humor and politics in the age of Trump.

Donald Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment in Syria

The president earned neocon applause for his hasty decision to strike a Syrian airfield after a poison-gas incident, but his rash act has all the earmarks of an attention-diversion ploy.

We Need to Stop Treating Michael Hayden as an Arbiter of Truth

Making the former NSA chief and CIA director the go-to expert on Trump’s relationship with intelligence agencies is misguided; Harvard students are developing an anti-Trump “Resistance School”; why octopuses are “aliens living on earth.”

Climate Change Will Make American Farmers’ Lives More Difficult

New research indicates that weather patterns are becoming more volatile and extreme, so farmers must find new ways to adapt.

Iraqi Shiite Cleric Says Russia, America and Assad Should All Get Out of Syria

Muqtada al-Sadr also calls on Donald Trump to stop taking frivolous positions that damage the world community.



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Trump’s FCC and FTC Leaders Rush to Defend Big Telco’s Assault on Internet Privacy

It’s hard to defend legislation that undermines essential privacy rights. But that hasn’t stopped the broadband industry and its many friends in Washington from trying.

Medicare-for-All Advocates Rally Nationwide

The Campaign for Guaranteed Healthcare, a coalition that believes access to health care is “basic to human dignity,” coordinates events.

For One Oregon City, the American Dream Turns Into a Deportation Nightmare

Many residents of Woodburn are living in fear since raids in February by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement resulted in the detention of 11 men.

Chris Hedges Criticizes Mainstream Media’s ‘Cheerleading’ for Syria Strike (Video)

The Truthdig columnist explains how “the corporate media has presented precisely the narrative and the images that the deep state wants,” and the deep state in turn manipulates President Trump’s foreign policy decisions.

Bannon, Kushner and Trump’s Upside-Down Philosophy

We’re likely to be left with the worst of both worlds: Stephen Bannon’s brand of anti-establishment populism alongside Jared Kushner’s oligarchical Republicanism.



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Russia Calls U.S. Attack on Syria Illegal

President Vladimir Putin accuses the Trump administration of “aggression against a sovereign state in violation of international law.”

Immigration Agency Will Lose Millions Because It Can’t Process Visas Fast Enough

Fees to expedite worker visas pay for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ efforts to digitize. But the agency can’t keep up with demand, forcing it to suspend its cash cow.

Documents Reveal NYPD Infiltrated Black Lives Matter

The surveillance was uncovered after a protester filed a Freedom of Information request about demonstrations in 2014 and 2015.

Is It Our Goal to Prolong the Syrian War?

Some see a covert U.S. policy—under both Obama and Trump—to keep the war going and then, one day, to “pick up the remnants.”

The Best We Could Do

I thought graphic novels were kid stuff—and there is no better book to prove me wrong than this turbulent memoir of a Vietnamese family.

Mainstream Democrats Prevail Over Sanders Supporters in California Congressional Race

California’s 34th Congressional District went for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primary, but voters overwhelmingly choose establishment Democrats over “Berniecrats” in a special election.